Chủ Nhật, 26 tháng 12, 2021

What Dog Can And Cannot Eat?

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In honor of National Pet Month, here’s an idea for all the pet owners that want to treat their beloved pets with more than just regular Purina.

There is a common misconception that feeding dogs food that is human is a no-no. However, my pet (yes that’s him, he’s half corgi!) has been eating the same food for over 11 years, and is keeping his strength on his four feet. What’s the key to success? Finding the best foods to feed your dog and limiting them to a mere 10% of your dog’s diet. There are many tasty, safe, and have I mentioned, nutritious alternatives for dogs to take in and the majority of them are likely available in your kitchen. Take a look at the human food items your dog is not eating.

Pasta Noodles

Pasta is a favorite food for almost all college students, so why not make extra pasta for your pet? It is possible to enjoy small portions of noodles while you sit at the table for dinner. Make sure that the portion you serve your dog isn’t sauce-based since pasta sauce could be acidic and cause upset to the dog’s stomach. All of the ingredients in noodles – eggs, flour and water are safe to eat however, if you want to ensure that it is healthy, you should serve whole wheat noodles, that is rich in fiber and aids digestion.

Plain Yogurt

Yogurt is healthy for your pet. High in protein, calcium, and full of probiotics plain yogurt can help your dog’s digestive system, particularly in stressful situations where your dog spends the day cleaning out your garbage. Check the label to avoid serving yogurt that is sugar-laden or that contain artificial sweeteners.


Eggs are yummy in every shape and form. Sunny side up could make your day more pleasant However, make sure to cook your dog’s eggs thoroughly and serve them as breakfast for lunch, dinner, or as a delicious protein-rich snack. Eggs are great for the muscles and strengthen your dog’s luscious fur coat.


Oats that are overnight in the morning aren’t the only way to utilize your oatmeal. Oatmeal is another tasty breakfast option for you and your dog to eat together as it’s full of fiber that helps bowel movement. Within a bowl of medium size, mix one cup of liquid and 1 cup rolled oatmeal. Place the microwave to cook for 2.5 or 3 minutes. Then, you’ve created an excellent breakfast for the dog and you. You can add flavor to your own, but make sure to keep the sugar and cinnamon out of your pet’s.


It’s not, it’s not Act II microwavable popcorn. Fido will just eat popcorn, without salt and butter. The answer? Popping plain kernels in your kitchen using coconut oil, which is delicious and safe for both humans and dogs to enjoy with a good film. It’s true that it requires extra effort to make (follow this guideline) However, when you’re bringing your child to the table it is worth the effort to keep your dog content. By making popcorn yourself will keep everyone from the harmful chemical and artificial ingredients in the packaged ones you purchase.

Peanut Butter

This delicious treat is known for driving dogs crazy. Peanut butter is a great source of Vitamin B E and protein making this a healthy snack. A synthetic sweetener known as xylitol is harmful for dogs and is present in a few brands. However, Jif is recognized as free of xylitol, and therefore is the most suitable choice! Allow your dog to lick the clean jar and if you aren’t sure you wish for your dog to get excessively pudgy, grab one small portion for him and a bigger portion for yourself.


If you’re a fan of potatoes then your dog could be one too, if you give them plain baked potatoes (sorry potato chips and fries won’t fit the bill). Potatoes have lots of potassium to balance out blood pressure and Vitamin B and C. To prepare them for you and your dog, clean and de-eye those babies and then bake them in the oven for 90 minutes at 300 degrees. After cooling remove them from the oven and serve as a whole, or mashed, without butter or other seasonings and of course, no seasonings.

Cooked Salmon

If you’re finally ready to prepare a fancy dinner to enjoy a evening in, you can prepare a salmon-based plate for your pet. Salmon is rich in protein and has omega 3 fatty acids , which will help to reduce joint inflammation and improve the immune system. They is a fantastic alternative for dogs suffering from allergies. Filets (boneless) from salmon, cooked properly and seasoned with a little olive oil can make the perfect dinner for you and your dog.


Yes, dogs can enjoy pineapple, but in moderate amounts. Pick fresh over canned ones to stay clear of sugar overload. Slice raw fruit into tiny pieces to provide them with the advantages of vitamin B6 vitamin C, thiaminand niacin iron, magnesium, manganese, folate, potassium copper, riboflavin, and manganese. Make sure you take off the tough and spiny outer layer of the fruit because it’s hard to digest and could cause obstruction.


Yes it is possible to give your dog pomegranate however, only in small quantities. Take care as the pomegranate fruit can make dogs sick. It’s not poisonous for dogs, however the seeds can cause stomach discomfort and vomiting. Make sure to watch your dog’s diet to avoid accidental swallowing. The pomegranate’s peel is difficult for dogs to digest and poses a risk of choking Therefore, it is best to discard the peel.

Pork (unseasoned):

Yes, dogs are able to consume pork, even if it is not seasoned. Pork is a good source of protein Vitamin B12 and vitamin C zinc, selenium and Niacin. It is essential to stay clear of the onion and garlic seasonings on pork since they can cause anemia and upset stomachs. Don’t feed your dog cooked or raw pork to prevent parasite infections. The processed pork products like bacon and Ham, are rich in salt and fat, which is why they are not good for dogs.

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by petexpert via Pets Tutorial

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