Thứ Năm, 23 tháng 12, 2021

Can Dog Eat Watermelon?

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There’s nothing better in the summer heat than a juicy piece of watermelon. While pets are enjoying the summer’s most loved fruit, they might be wondering whether it’s okay to serve some to their furry friend.

The answer generally is yes. It’s not just that the sweetness of the fruit safe for dogs however, its 92% water content indicates that it’s an excellent option to ensure that both you as well as your dog keep hydrated throughout the summer.

Additionally it’s loaded with vitamins and minerals which are beneficial for all of us, no matter if we have four legs or two.

Health Benefits of Watermelon

Its scientific term for the watermelon fruit is Citrullus lanatus. It’s not just delicious and delicious, but it also contains a range of nutrients, like vitamin A and C as well as potassium. It’s also a fruit with low calories which is free of fat and cholesterol.

The high content of water makes it a perfect snack to help your pet keep hydrated during long hot days of summer. The high vitamin A content of watermelon can aid in maintaining and improving your pet’s eyesight. It also contains antioxidants, which can help to reduce inflammation and boost the immune system of your pet which can help fight against illnesses. It is also associated with health benefits like managing blood pressure, enhancing muscle health and reducing the risk of heart disease.

Although the high amount of fiber in watermelon could cause stomach problems in dogs (and for humans) If consumed in moderate amounts, the low-calorie snack can aid in managing weight and enhance colon health.4 As with all fruit, watermelon that is seedless does contain natural sugars, but its fiber content permits it to slowly release sugar into the bloodstream, avoiding the risk of a spike in blood sugar levels for your pet.

Potential Health Concerns

Although the fleshy pink part of watermelon is suitable for dogs, pet owners should be aware of the seeds in watermelon must be removed prior to giving it to Rover because they could result in the intestinal blockage.5 Pet owners should not be concerned in the event that they have missed some tiny seeds however, allowing your dog consume too many seeds can result in a blockage of the digestive tract, which could lead to more serious problems.

It’s not recommended for your dog to chew the rind of the watermelon. The rind is hard for dogs to digest and chew. It can trigger stomach problems ranging from diarrhea to severe obstructions in the intestines when swallowed in large pieces.5 It could also be the risk of choking, especially when you have smaller dogs. If your dog accidentally consumed the rind of a watermelon and exhibits symptoms like constipation, vomiting or lethargy, medical attention is required immediately.

Like any “human” foods, it’s best to consult your vet prior to feeding the watermelon treat to your dog and moderation is crucial, particularly when you aren’t sure what reaction your dog might have in response to this fibrous and spongy fruit. Much like other fruits, like cantaloupe, it can trigger digestive problems like diarrhea when your dog eats excessive amounts of. Keep your dog’s size in mind.

The smaller your dog is more watermelon, the less it should eat. Although it’s not common however, it’s also possible that your dog could be sensitive to watermelon.

Other Ways to Feed Watermelon to Your Dog

If you find that Fido loves watermelon to the point of obsession There are many inventive ways to include it in your diet as a unique treat. You and your pet can combat the heat of summer with frozen watermelon treats that are made by mixing (seedless) the flesh of watermelon with yogurt, coconut milk or water before freezing the cubes into cubes.

Be sure to purchase low-fat or low-fat yogurt and be aware of sugar (sugar substitutes like xylitol can be toxic for dogs) and other added ingredients. You’ll need to provide any of these treats with a moderate amount because certain breeds of dogs are sensitive to dairy.67 If you own a food dehydrator you could also transform watermelon into chewy treats (although your pet will be missing the benefits of hydrating).

Cut the watermelon into pieces (bite-sized pieces are the best) to provide your dog with an extra refreshing treat during hot summer days.

Natural Watermelon Only

Sweets with watermelon in them or any other product that has artificial watermelon-flavored are not recommended for dogs. They usually contain chemicals, sugars and other chemicals which can cause your dog to become sick.

Sugar could cause stomach discomfort in the short-term as well as obesity or diabetes in the long run. Artificial sweeteners like xylitol could be harmful for dogs, so stick to simple watermelon that you cook by yourself. So you’ll know exactly the ingredients.

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by petexpert via Pets Tutorial

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