Thứ Năm, 23 tháng 12, 2021

Can Dog Eat Cashews?

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Peanut butter is the most loved food for dogs However, this doesn’t mean other nuts are healthy or safe to your dog. Cashews aren’t harmful to pets, however, it’s possible that your dog may have an allergy to them. This is extremely rare, but potentially extremely risky.

So, if you give your dog cashews, ensure that you look for symptoms for an allergic reaction. If your dog isn’t allergic to cashews, they can be an one of the snacks that they will have. They’re rich in protein and rich in fats, making them ideal for dogs that are active and young but can be a strain for overweight or older pets. There’s plenty to be smitten about when you’re talking about cashews.

These protein-rich, creamy nuts are full of monounsaturated fats, which are heart-healthy, and fiber as well as immune-boosting nutrients such as magnesium and zinc. They’re also rich in copper that’s great for our joints as well as our bones. It’s not a secret that incorporating more cashews into the diet of our pets is good idea, but can the same thing apply to canines?

Similar to a range of healthy human food cashews are actually a good choice for your dog, but they’re not an essential part of feeding them healthy, balanced food. Learn more regarding feeding your pet cashews and what to watch out to ensure that you’re doing no damage to your dog’s health than you can do.

Are Cashews Healthy for My Dog?

The first thing to consider prior to giving your dog with cashews should be “Does she need extra fat in her diet?” Cashews are a great source for healthy fats and they also contain a few vitamins, like Vitamin E, vitamin K as well as zinc, that are vital to your dog’s overall health.

Cashews comprise about 48 percent fat, 17 percent protein and 30% carbohydrates in weight. An approximate estimation is that each cashew has one grams of fat.

How Many Cashews Can My Dog Eat?

If you’re sticking to the rule of 10%, that limits the amount of treats a dog can have at 10% of their food intake, a dog of 20 pounds can consume 3-4 cashews each day to achieve the 10 percent. In excess of that, you might exceed your daily calorie requirement.

Can Eating Cashews Be Dangerous for My Dog?

It is possible, though not common it is for dogs to suffer from a severe allergic reaction to cashews. If you are sharing cashews in your home with your furry friend, make sure to monitor for signs of allergy. Signs to look out for:

  • Swelling
  • Hives
  • Itching

If you feed your dog cashews make certain that they are from a cashews-only container (to prevent contamination with other nuts) Also, make sure you offer them in a natural form.

Cashew Dog Recipes are looking to give cashews to your pet, you can make use of them instead for peanuts, or even peanut butter in a variety of recipes, like our no-bake Peanut Butter Flax Seed Treats and Banana Peanut Butter Ice Cream.

Can Dogs Eat Cashews?

Cashews are among the a handful of different varieties of nuts that are considered to be suitable for our dogs (others such as macadamia nut and walnuts, could cause harm). Like all good foods the right amount of moderation is essential.

The fiber, protein, and healthy fats that are found in cashews may be problematic when consumed in large quantities. This is the case for us and our pets, but dogs have a smaller threshold of the moment that too much is in fact, excessive. For a start avoid salted cashews. Our stomachs for dogs don’t have the capacity to absorb a lot of sodium, and too much salt intake can cause dehydration as well as digestive distress.1 Make sure to stick with simple cashews when you plan to consume them, and do not feed cashews that have different flavors.

Another rule to remember: Feed cashews only sparingly to your dog. The fat, as heart-healthy as it is, can cause issues for overweight dogs. In some instances excessive oil in your dogs food can cause pancreatitis, a serious condition that requires prompt medical attention by the veterinarian.

How to Feed Cashews to Dogs

Do you want to find out whether your dog loves cashews? Follow the tips above to ensure you are choosing uncooked, raw, and unsalted or roast variety. Since other nuts can be very harmful to our furry pets, it is essential to ensure that you don’t give your dog cashews as part from a variety pack.

We have seen evidence that have allergic reaction to nuts in humans It only takes an extremely small amount exposure to trigger a problem. In the case of cashew butters it is likely that the varieties are available in stores contain additional ingredients such as salt and/or excess sugars or oils that must be avoided. You can make your own pet-safe cashew butter for your pet by mixing 1 cup of cashews that are un salted with a pinch of honey into a food processor before blend until it is smooth.

You’ll need to limit the amount you serve it. Overall, treats should not constitute more than 10 percent of the daily calories your dog consumes. Because cashews are very high in calories (nearly 10 calories per nugget) it is best to have less more. This is particularly true in the case of a dog who is overweight or isn’t very active. If your dog is suffering from any stomach problems as well as food allergy issues, you might be better off sticking with diets that are dog-friendly but not as affluent.

Nuts That Are Dangerous to Dogs

For cashews, give them a go. They may end up becoming one of your dog’s most-loved occasional snacks. Be patient in introducing any new food item, cashews in particular. There’s a chance that your dog is suffering from food allergies that you aren’t aware of, since they’ve never been exposed to food.

Certain human foods might cause problems for the dog’s stomach, even if they’re safe to consume. As the kind and compassionate human in their lives you have the responsibility to keep an eye on their diet and avoid putting them in a place where problems could arise.

Signs associated with an allergic reaction can include swelling, itching, and skin problems like hives and redness. Keep an eye out for any other symptoms of stomach discomfort in addition to the more severe ones such as vomiting and diarrhea.

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by petexpert via Pets Tutorial

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