Thứ Tư, 29 tháng 9, 2021

Why Does My Dog Rub His Face On Soap

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Dogs love rolling on things such as the carpet, floor, seats, bed, and lawn, and so on. They roll on almost anything with a strong smell irrespective of whether the odor is pleasant or offensive. When you find your dog rolling or rubbing on its poop or shoes, it may not come as a surprise to you; however, as a dog rubbing its face on soap may raise eyebrows.

The behavior is rare, but it happens. When you see this, please do not assume the dog needs a bath because that is far from its intention. Sometimes the dog is just being itself, or there could be another reason for it. So what makes a dog rub its face on the soap?

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Reasons Behind A Dog Rubbing Its Face On Soap

Dogs have an immense sense of smell. Smells allow them to feel like they belong and to mark their territories. There are several reasons why a dog would want to rub its face on soap.

Why Does My Dog Rub His Face On Soap

1. Coping With Separation Anxiety

In ancient times, dogs walked in packs, and one of the ways they could recognize members of their pack is through the sense of smell. In homes, people that lie with the dog are members of its pack. One of the most distinctive smells of a dog owner is that of soap.

Your personal scent has a hint of soap smell; a dog will want to feel your closeness when you are not around by rolling its face on the soap you use. When you go away, the dog goes through separation anxiety, and smelling you through the soap gives it comfort and a sense of security.

2. Masking Their Own Scents

The second reason a dog would roll on soap is to mask its own scent, a practice that dates back to its wild ancestral genetics. The same practice is common among wolves that belong to the same family. Dogs and many other wild animals try to mask their natural scents by rolling onto other more pungent odors to keep predators away.

Masking their scent is a camouflage that makes them feel invisible to their attackers and their prey. A dog will roll on anything with a stronger scent than its own, including perfume, soap, trash, and even its own poop, for the same reason of trying to change its natural smell. Why pet dogs try to mask their scents in their safe home environments is hard to explain.

3. Because they are just being dogs

The last reason could be that dogs, just like being dogs, and will roll on anything with a scent. Their intense sense of smell picks up ingredients from objects better than we can. Some of the soaps contain ingredients such as animal fat and fish oil that appeal to the dog. By rolling on the soaps, they want to take in as much of the dead animal smell as they possibly can.

Is it safe for the dog to rub its face on soap?

Even if some soap contains natural ingredients that are harmless to the dogs, many others have harmful, and toxic properties that could cause skin irritations, stomach upsets in case of digestion, and other dangerous reactions.

What to do to deter the dog from rubbing its face on soap

Why Does My Dog Rub His Face On Soap

The first thing you should do is try to find out the reasons behind your dog’s behavior. If it is something that you can stop, do so immediately to avoid any repercussions from the harmful chemicals in the soap. Other steps you can take include:-

  • Training your dog to stop playing with the soap
  • Reward it every time it manages to stay away from the soap
  • Buy scented toys for it to play with
  • Check if anything is missing in their diet
  • Take the dog to the vet to find out if it has an eating disorder
  • Check if the dog is teething and replace the soap with teething toys

Wrapping it up

Rolling or rubbing its face on soap is not the strangest thing for a dog to do. It should not cause too much alarm, but it is an undesirable behavior that you should stop. You should everything you can, which includes training the dog to stay away from the soap. You could also help by ensuring that soap and other items that could harm your dog are out of reach. If everything fails and your dog still reaches out to play with soap, seek advice from a vet.

The post Why Does My Dog Rub His Face On Soap appeared first on Pets Tutorial.

by Jane Brody via Pets Tutorial

Why Does My Dog Sit In My Spot When I Get Up

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One of the things that make dogs so adorable is their mischievous nature. They will do anything to bring out a chuckle on the people living around the home with them. One such thing is sneaking in slyly and stealing your spit on the seat once you get up, then look around as if they are the kings (or queens) of the house.

What then does it mean when your dog sits on your spot when you get up?

Why Does My Dog Sit In My Spot When I Get Up

When this happens, it could mean several things, but the shortest answer to the question is dogs sit in your spot when you get up to communicate with you. Remember that since dogs cannot speak, the only way they can pass over their messages is through their behaviors.

Sitting on your spot could be a message that they need something from, which could be company, warmth, or cuddles. The detailed reasons could be as follows:

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1. The Comfort and Warmth of the Seat

The most popular reason your dog sits on your spot after you get up is that it wants to feel warm and comfortable. They know that their rugs are not as comfortable as your seat, which is why they will not hesitate to change places as soon as you get up.

Dogs also like warm spaces, so they also try to get under the bed covers with you. The seat just vacated is the warmest place in the house.

2. To Hold the Alpha Position or Be the King of the House

As long as you occupy your seat, your fog will respect that and stay away. However, as soon as you leave, the dog will claim the home’s alpha position by occupying the seat and feeling like a king.

They need to feel like the head of a pack dates back to their ancestral behavior. Each dog pack enjoyed a clear-cut hierarchy where an alpha male dog was in charge of the whole pack. Your seat to the dog feels like the throne.

3. To Get Your Attention

One of the things you cannot dispute about dog’s behaviors is that they are attention seekers. A dog will occupy your spot on the seat once you leave for the sole purpose of capturing your attention. In the majority of the cases, the dog gets the attention it seeks.

Many people find their behavior funny and focus on them for a while, even tickling them or enticing them to get off the seat. The attention they seek may even get them a treat as a bribe to get off the seat.

4. To Experience the Uniqueness of Your Seat

In so many ways, dogs are like toddlers. A kid will want something that a parent has for no other reason than to find out why it is special. A dog will sit on your spot only because it wants to experience the same thing you do. It wants to know why the area is exceptional, especially if it is the only place you choose to sit on while indoors.

5. Separation Anxiety

One of the negative reasons that could take your dog to your spot on the seat is separation anxiety. The attachment between dogs and their owners is immense, and they feel lonely when let alone. Your spot on the seat has your smell and warmth, assuring the dog that you are still near him.

Why Does My Dog Sit In My Spot When I Get Up

6. Marking Its Territory

A dog likes to mark its territory by leaving its scent behind. Occupying your spot on the seat is its way of claiming ownership over you by rubbing its scent onto you. Dogs usually do this out of love. It merely wants to say you are part of its pack family.

7. Blackmail for a Reward

As funny as this may sound, dogs might want to occupy the spot on the seat because it knows you will reward it for getting off. Remember, many pet dog breeds are very intelligent, and if you reward them once, they know how to get it from you a second time.

Wrapping It Up

When a dog steals your spot after you get off a seat, many people around the house may think it is funny and laugh it off. However, it is the dog’s way of communicating something to you, and if you know your pet well, you may read the behavior.

The post Why Does My Dog Sit In My Spot When I Get Up appeared first on Pets Tutorial.

by Jane Brody via Pets Tutorial

How Many Puppies Can A Chihuahua Have In A Single Litter

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A Chihuahua is so tiny that one does not help but wonder if an adult female can give birth to more than one puppy. Weighing less than six pounds, the Chihuahua is the smallest toy dog globally, but it is a delight to have around. In this article, we will be answering the question, how many puppies can a Chihuahua have, and the challenges that come with the breeds pregnancy.

Breeding a Pregnant Chihuahua and Its Challenges

How Many Puppies Can A Chihuahua Have

Because of its small size, breeding the dog comes with several challenges, especially during pregnancy. It even becomes more challenging if you know nothing about breeding a tiny pregnant dog. One of the things you need to bear in mind is that it is not cheap. In most cases, the Chihuahua’s small size makes it hard to give birth naturally, which calls for a C-section.

Besides the C-section, the toy dog will also need other necessary medical treatments for a safe birth. Of-course you can try to prevent your Chihuahua from becoming pregnant by keeping a watchful eye on her when she is around other dogs, especially when she is on heat. However, as easy as that might sound, it is not easy to tell when a Chihuahua is on heat because no other breed comes even close to cleaning itself the way the toy dog does.

The only signs that might indicate that the tiny dog is in heat include mood change, bloody discharge, licking of her genitals, frequent urination, and swollen genitals and nipples. If you are not lucky to keep the Chihuahua from other dogs when she is on heat, how do you tell when she is pregnant?

Read next:

Symptoms and Signs of a Pregnant Chihuahua

It is easy to recognize pregnancy in larger dog breeds, but it is hard to tell with the Chihuahua unless you are very keen. If you have any suspicions that the pooch could be pregnant, you should check out for the signs and symptoms to be certain. You should also be there for the tiny dog throughout the pregnancy period because it is too delicate to handle it independently.

The average gestation period is 63 days, and it can go into labor either 2 or 3 days earlier than the due date, 2, or 3 days later than the due date. A Chihuahua displays almost similar symptoms as a woman when pregnant. The symptoms to look out for are:-

  • Light vomiting
  • Reduced appetite
  • Lethargy
  • An upset stomach that is very similar to morning sickness
  • Fast enlargement of the stomach-the pregnancy starts to show between the 15th and 30th day after conception.
  • Recessed teats appear with the enlargement of nipples.
  • She spends more time cleaning herself than she did before
  • Puppies visible through x-ray by the 45th day
  • She goes into labor between the 60th and 65th day after conception.

Things to Note

Chihuahuas have occasional false pregnancies because of chemical imbalances in their bodies. The false pregnancy still triggers the body into thinking that she is pregnant, and all the symptoms might show but only for a month or so. It is very vital to check with the vet if you are unsure.

How Many Puppies Can A Chihuahua Have?

How Many Puppies Can A Chihuahua Have

A Chihuahua can have a maximum of four puppies per birth. However, most of the tiny dogs’ average number of puppies is from one to three. Three and four are still many puppies for the tiny dog. A Chihuahua can give birth several times in a lifetime, but with each pregnancy, you can expect several complications.

The breed reaches its sexual maturity at six months, but most of them start giving birth when they are one year and above. In one year, the Chihuahua has two estrus periods, which means they can deliver two litters in a single year.

Chihuahua Pregnancy-Interesting Facts

  • A Chihuahua can get pregnant by two different dogs-multi-sired litters.
  • A much larger dog can impregnate a Chihuahua. If this happens, the pregnancy becomes much more complicated, especially if the puppy’s size gets too large for the small dog’s womb.
  • A Chihuahua can conceive during her first heat cycle.

Wrapping It Up

Chihuahuas are lovely tiny dogs, but they are also hard work because they require a lot of attention, especially when pregnant. The puppies, too, once they come, are also hard work. It would help if you kept an eye on the females to prevent large dogs from mating with them because then you will have many problems to deal with. One to three puppies is the average number of puppies a Chihuahua can give you. Four is too many but not impossible.

The post How Many Puppies Can A Chihuahua Have In A Single Litter appeared first on Pets Tutorial.

by Jane Brody via Pets Tutorial

Can Drug Dogs Really Smell Marijuana and Other Drugs

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Concealing drugs from a trained sniffer dog is not easy because of its high sense of smell. A dog’s sense of smell is 10,000 times higher than that of a human. It is actually the most dominant of its senses after sight and hearing.

In ancient times, people used dogs mainly for hunting, racing, sports, and security. However, dogs became part of the military and police operations worldwide in the last century, with some of their most prominent tasks being sniffing out drugs, explosives, cadavers, and bombs. The applications required of detection dogs to carry out outweigh the dog breeds specially trained for such tasks.

How To Conceal Drugs From A Sniffer Dog

Even if it is just a few dog breeds trained to smell drugs, they are extremely good at what they do. However, even the best dogs err, and there are situations where they cannot sniff drugs. Some people conceal drugs from even the best sniffer dogs and get away with it. How? Read on to find out.

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5 Ways of Concealing Drugs from a Sniffer Dog

Irrespective of how powerful a sniffer dog’s sense of smell is, the following situations are challenging to them when it comes to sniffing out the presence of drugs.

1. Use Airtight Vacuum-Sealed Containers

Dogs can smell drugs hidden underwater, but it is hard to smell drugs hidden in vacuum-sealed airtight containers. However, if the container’s construction is a non-porous material such as plastic, the dog will sniff the drugs. On the other hand, if the container is metal or glass keeps the odors inside.

The only way the dog would smell drugs stored in a porous metal or glass vacuum-sealed container is if the drugs’ handler leaves scents outside the container. Plastic has very tiny microscopic holes that eventually allow the odors to leak out.

2. Powerful Distracting Smells

Some people believe that concealing drugs in powder with overwhelming smells such as dried pepper and chili will throw the dog off. However, this would be risky because if, after smelling the chili powder, the dog sneezes, the cops will want to find out the reasons behind the sneeze. Again, trained dogs can quickly identify a single odor in a mixture of smells, just as we can locate one color amidst many others.

In the same way as the chili or dried pepper, some people have also gone to the extent of hiding their drugs inside ground coffee beans. The smell of coffee is powerful, and for a human, it can mask any other scent. However, it is not the same with dogs, and most likely, they may sniff the drugs out.

How To Conceal Drugs From A Sniffer Dog 2

3. Fresh or Rotten Meat

Dogs love meat, and the smell of it might confuse them to forget about searching for drugs. However, you have to remember that dogs trained for this kind of job have great discipline, and using meat may be futile.

The meat you carry to confuse the dog must either be fresh or raw for smell enhancement. You also have to be very careful if the authorities decide to check further because finding you with a cooler filled with rotten or fresh meat will raise eyebrows.

4. Keep the Drugs Much Higher From the Dog’s Range

Even if a dog’s sense of smell is powerful, it has range limitations. A dog can only snuffle things close to the ground or underwater because they are within their range. Items stored much higher are out of scope for the dog unless its handler lifts it to do the sniffing.

5. Freeze Cannabis before Storage

Some people claim that freezing cannabis before storing it into an airtight container conceals the smell. The method prevents terpenes, which are responsible for the cannabis smell, from diffusing into the air.

If you are traveling far, this may not work because, by the time you arrive, the ice will have thawed, the container will have gotten a few knocks here and there, and some of the trichomes may fall off along the way, which makes it easy for the dogs to sniff you out.  Even if you get past the sniffer dogs, the potency of the weed will be too low.

Wrapping It Up

It is not easy to get past a sniffer dog with a stash of drugs, even if you conceal your drugs in an airtight vacuum-sealed container, which by far is the best way of evading sniffer dogs, there is no guarantee that you will go past their powerful sense of smell. The only alternative? Do not carry drugs and if you have to carry them, do so in states where the law allows you to do so.

The post Can Drug Dogs Really Smell Marijuana and Other Drugs appeared first on Pets Tutorial.

by Jane Brody via Pets Tutorial

How Many Quarts In A Pound Of Dog Food

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Every dog owner knows that feeding the dog right is essential for its proper growth. Feeding right entails adhering to the diet guidelines of the amount of food your dog needs in a day. Many dog recipes provide detailed information on the amounts to feed a dog per day, depending on the breeds, size, and ages.

How Many Quarts In A Pound Of Dog Food

However, some of the guidelines come in detailed measurements that some dog owners cannot understand easily. It also becomes a problem if you buy a storage container with measurements in quarts while the dog food you intend to store in that container is in a bag with measurements in pounds.

How can you tell how many pounds of the dog food will fit into the airtight container that only gives you measurements in quarts? This brings us to how many quarts in a pound of dog food.

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Converting Pounds to Quarts

How Many Quarts In A Pound Of Dog Food

Converting quarts to pounds is not an easy thing to do, considering that quarts measure volume while pound measures weight. Converting one to the other also needs you to specify the type of dog food density. The amount the quart container can hold depends on the kibble size that varies from one recipe to the next. The basic standard conversion of quarts to pounds is as follows.

1 quart = 2.086335

10 quarts = 20.8635

11 quarts = 22.9499

12 quarts = 25.0362

25 quarts =52.158375

60 quarts=125.1801

Converting Cups to Pounds

It is much easier to convert the number of cups of dry dog food to pounds than to use the above conversion. This is because many of the recipes come with instructions to measure the food in cups. Measuring cups come in varying sizes, but the standard size holds 5 ounces of food.

A pound of dry dog food equals about 16 ounces. Therefore, to make one pound, you need slightly more than three cups of dry food. If you have a forty-pound dog food, you will need to measure 128 cups of food. If you have a 30-pound bag, you will need 96 cups, while a 15-pound bag will require 48 cups worth of dry food.

Why It Is Essential to Have an Accurate Measure of the Dog’s Food

How Many Quarts In A Pound Of Dog Food 3

Anyone getting confused over the conversion rates might wonder why it is important to have the dog measurements right. The conversions and the measurements are there for a reason, the most important being portioning your pet’s food for accuracy. Pet owners keep different breeds in their homes. Some even keep more than one different breed at a time.

With dogs and other pets, one meal size does not fit all the dog breeds. Some dogs feed twice a day while others stick to a once a day diet. Feeding the wrong portions could lead to overfeeding or underfeeding.

Overfeeding leads to obesity. Overweight or obesity leads to several other health problems that include heart and breathing issues, musculoskeletal problems, skin disorders, shorter life span, lower quality of life, and some types of cancer.

On the other hand, underfeeding can lead to malnourishment and weight loss, leading to several other health issues and lack of energy. Use the right measuring devices that will convert the actual amounts of food you need for your pet dog at any particular time.

Scooping dog food with just any container or your hands will give the wrong measurements. You also need to remember that the right measurements are not enough if the diet is not nutritious enough.

Factors to consider when setting the right food amounts

  • Dogs stage of life:That could be the puppy, adult, or senior stage
  • Health conditions: These include diabetes, cancer, dental, etc.
  • Body and activity level: Less active dogs will not as many nutrient-dense foods as the more active dogs.
  • Food preferences:Some dogs react badly to some diets, while others are fussy to some ingredients.

Wrapping It Up

Food conversions from quarts to pounds are not easy for everyone, especially if you want to transfer dry food into airtight containers that come with quartz measurements while the bag is in pounds. If you cannot follow the conversion tables provided, it would not hurt to ask for advice from the food container manufacturers.

The most important thing is to ensure the food is safe. You follow all the feeding directions provided by the food manufacturer’s directions to avoid overfeeding or underfeeding the dog.

The post How Many Quarts In A Pound Of Dog Food appeared first on Pets Tutorial.

by Jane Brody via Pets Tutorial

Thứ Ba, 28 tháng 9, 2021

What Is the Average Life Expectancy of a Diabetic Dog

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Like humans, dogs can also suffer from long-term diseases that may affect the quality of their lives and even cause death. One of the common, but treatable health problems that affect dogs is diabetes. If your pooch has been diagnosed with diabetes, you should not be worried. This is because diabetic dogs can just have a life expectancy that is similar to dogs without diabetes if you give your canine the required treatment.

See also:

Diabetes in Dogs

What Is the Average Life Expectancy of a Diabetic Dog

Canine diabetes mellitus mainly occurs when the pancreas does not produce adequate insulin to regulate blood glucose levels or the body does not utilize insulin effectively. This causes a significant increase in the levels of glucose in the blood. Diabetes mainly appears in middle-aged and older canines and overweight dogs are also at a higher risk. The good thing is that dietary changes and insulin injections can allow your four-legged friend to enjoy a relatively normal life.

Dogs are mainly affected by diabetes insipidus and diabetes mellitus. Diabetes insipidus mainly occurs because of the lack of vasopressin, an antidiuretic hormone that aids in the absorption of water by the kidneys. Diabetes mellitus can be classified into Type I and Type II and is caused by insulin deficiency.

Diabetes Type I mainly occurs in young dogs and is called juvenile dog diabetes. Type II diabetes is usually an age-related problem that results in the dependency of dogs on insulin. If you want your pooch to lead a happy, healthy, and fuller life, you need to know the symptoms associated with diabetes and when to seek immediate medical help.

The Life Expectancy of Dogs with Diabetes

If your pooch is diagnosed with diabetes, you do not have to euthanize him/her. This is because diabetic dogs can still live a happy life without the symptoms of this disease. However, this will require lots of effort on your part.  If you provide dog insulin, then diabetes will not adversely affect the life expectancy of your pet.

Many dogs that die from diabetes do so before the disease can be regulated. Most of these dogs tend to have other illnesses that cause them to be extremely sick or complicate their treatment. Diabetes is a treatable condition and the quality of life of your dog can be enhanced if you take the necessary measures to keep the level of blood sugar under control.

The life expectancy of your dog will only be affected if you do not provide the required treatment for your dog. Therefore, you should never worry about a decrease in the life expectancy of your pet, if you seek early and incessant medical intervention.

Symptoms of Diabetes in Dog

What Is the Average Life Expectancy of a Diabetic Dog

You need to identify the symptoms of diabetes early on so that you can assist in controlling the situation. If not controlled, diabetes can become a crippling problem that may even cause the death of your pooch. Some of the signs you need to look out for include:

  • Lethargy, where your dog becomes inactive and lazy
  • Excessive thirst leads your dog to consume more water than usual. Improper glucose metabolism or overproduction of glucose will make your dog feel thirstier.
  • Frequent urination
  • Sudden or rapid excessive weight loss or weight gain
  • A ravenous appetite

During the early stages of diabetes, the symptoms will not be too severe on your dog. However, once the dog has full-blown diabetes, the symptoms are not subtle. Some of the less obvious signs of diabetes include the following

  • Poor coat quality
  • Weakness
  • Cataracts
  • Recurrent infections
  • Seizures

If your dog has diabetes, you should never assume that he will not be around for a long time. In most cases, the life expectancy of your dog will depend on different factors including his age at the time of diagnosis. It will also depend on your willingness to treat your pooch by giving him his daily insulin injections and the response of the dog to the medication. Without treatment, your pet will develop diabetes-related conditions such as blindness and will even die from the disease.


Your dog will live longer provided he gets the best treatment and this includes a diabetes diet. Your pooch should be put on low fat and low sugar diet to keep their blood sugar levels in check. You can consult your veterinarian to inquire about the foods that you can feed the dog.

You should also follow a strict feed schedule and never miss mealtimes. This will prevent any sudden reductions in the levels of blood sugar that may cause other health problems for the pooch. Additionally, intravenous insulin injections should also be administered to the dog. The vet will recommend the right insulin injection based on the condition of the dog.


Diabetes is a silent killer that can immensely affect the health of your dog. Therefore, every dog owner with a diabetic pooch should seek proper treatment for their pet at the right time. This will ensure that the dog lives a jovial and happy life. You can be confident that with the right treatment and proper diet, your dog will live longer and diabetes will not affect his/her quality of life.

The post What Is the Average Life Expectancy of a Diabetic Dog appeared first on Pets Tutorial.

by Jane Brody via Pets Tutorial

Is Menards Dog Friendly

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We all love our four-legged friends and would love them to accompany us everywhere we go. There is always great chemistry between dogs and human beings. Furthermore, shopping with your dog can be quite a fun experience and it can eliminate loneliness, especially if you are not going with your friends or family. However, most people avoid shopping with their dogs because they believe that most stores do not allow pets.

Is Menards Dog Friendly

Menards has lots of customers since it is the third-largest retail chain across the country. If you are planning to shop with your dog, it is important to remember that not all stores will allow you to go inside with your pet. Menards does not have a clear official policy about dogs in their stores or whether the retailer is dog-friendly since every store will have a different dog policy.

See also:

Can You Bring Your Dog In Menards?

When it comes to Menards, every store has a different dog policy. However, most stores allow people to bring their four-legged friends into the retail shop. The good thing is that dog-friendly store locations are increasing every day. Therefore, the decision to bring your dog to the retail brand will depend on your locality.

Keep in mind that some Menards stores will only allow dogs of a specific breed, particularly service dogs. Therefore, it is best that you confirm the dog policy in the store before you bring your furred friend. Be sure to confirm the dog policy of your local store first instead of being forced to leave the dog in the car. This is important because every store location will have a different dog policy based on their past experience with pets.

Official Menard’s Dog Policy

Before the pandemic, pets were allowed in Menards stores if they are on a leash and well behaved. This was meant to guarantee the peace of other shoppers and avoid disruptions. Unlike other retail brands, Menards does not have an actual official policy about pets. However, people can get confused because of the reviews and comments of employees regarding bringing dogs into their departmental stores.

Menards does not have any official documentation or signage regarding their dog policy. However, if the dog owner claims that theirs is a service dog, then they will be allowed inside the store. Some Menards stores will have signs showing that no dogs are allowed, while others will not.

Why Some Menard Stores Do Not Allow Dogs

Can You Bring Your Dog In Menards

It is difficult to predict how dogs will respond to different situations and this is why some Menards stores have strict pet policies. There are dog breeds that are not comfortable around other pets and even strange people. Furthermore, some dogs may even attack others or people without any reason. Keep in mind that different incidents may have led to this decision.

Every store that has restricted the entry of four-legged pets in their Menards store has definitely had an incident with pets that caused significant damage. Therefore, whatever the reason is for allowing or banning dogs in Menards store, there is always a viable explanation.

Does The Dog-Friendly Policy Vary By Location?

Based on the different store locations and the effects of allowing pets into the retail store has had in the past, the policies will vary. For instance, the San Francisco Menard store has a total ban of pets in their store owing to an incident that led to damage of goods and a significant loss for the retail brand. On the other hand, Menard Stores in New York have different dog policies and they allow dogs inside their stores.

The Menards store in Kansas City, MO does not allow pets inside their stores after a recent change in their pet policies. Despite some Menards stores not being dog-friendly, they all allow service dogs. Consumers should adhere to the individual retailer’s dog policy. Keep in mind that it is wrong for you to falsely claim that your furred friend is a service dog so that you can bring him into a Menards store that is not dog friendly.


Menards does not have an official dog policy and their policies also vary based on the location. Different Menards stores tend to have varying rules when it comes to bringing your pet. Therefore, it is always best to contact them through social media or phone call so that you can know the policy of the specific store you want to shop at.

If you are bringing your four-legged pet into Menards, you must ensure that your pet is capable of socializing with other dogs, children, and noises and is well-behaved. Additionally, your dog should always be on a leash and is trained to poop or pee in public. Dog treats are also essential to prevent scavenging while in the store. Lastly, if your dog is quite aggressive, you should consider muzzling it.

The post Is Menards Dog Friendly appeared first on Pets Tutorial.

by Jane Brody via Pets Tutorial

Can Drug Dogs Smell Vape?

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Dogs have a great sense of smell and they can be easily trained to detect specific smells. This is why some dog breeds are used by most law enforcement agencies across the world including border officials, customs, and police. Sniffing dogs have been trained to pick out specific scents and they can undergo training to help them detect anything that has an odor.

Highly trained dogs are very accurate and they have been known to detect several different objects and drugs through the ability to smell. But can drug dogs detect unorthodox marijuana products like vape cartridges? This article will provide everything you need to know about drug dogs and whether they can smell vape cartridges.

Read next:

Can Drug Dogs Smell Vape Cartridges?

Can Drug Dogs Smell Vape

We all know that drug dogs can detect vape cartridges if they have been trained to specifically sniff out whatever the cartridge contains. However, sniffer dogs cannot smell through airtight containers or vacuum-packed containers that are made of glass. No smell will escape if the seal is airtight and this means that the dog will not have anything to smell.

Plastic wrappings and containers are porous and the odor will escape even if they are well sealed or vacuum packed. Furthermore, the outside wrappings may also contain minute traces of the package contents. There is a very high likelihood of transference that may cause dogs to detect any smell of contraband products.

How Can Dogs Smell Weed?

During their training, dogs learn to recognize two to five substances. A customs dog can be trained to specifically identify cannabis or THC. This means that if you have a vape or cartridge that has any of these contraband substances, then sniffer dogs will find them. It will just be the same way if the dog was trained to detect nicotine.

A sniffer dog will still identify a combination of drugs that are mixed in liquid form. The sense of smell of dogs can interpret distinct smells from parts of the same thing or even different areas. Keep in mind that the dog’s ability to smell vape cartridges mainly boils down to their training. Most sniffer dogs are trained to detect dangerous substances like explosives and hard drugs.

What Makes Drug Sniffing Dogs So Effective?

The sense of smell for dogs is considerably stronger when compared to humans. This allows dogs to track and even detect a wide range of items and even animals. For years, dogs have been used as working animals because of their unique smelling ability and they have been ingrained as true tools and companions both in ancient and modern settings.

Dogs have an ability to smell about 10,000 times more sensitive compared to humans. This is enabled by their over 50 times more scent receptors. However, not all dogs will have the same ability to track scents. Some breeds like German Shepherds, Labradors, and Bloodhounds are exceptionally skilled when it comes to hunting down trained scents. Some breeds even have the ability to smell sickness or even emotion in humans.

Can You Trick a Drug Dog?

Can Drug Dogs Smell Vape 2

It is difficult to trick a sniffer dog that has been specifically trained to detect drugs like marijuana. This is because the smell is very distinctive and it is difficult for anyone to hide. Regardless of who well you pack your drugs, they will still leak out some odors and will be detected.

If the banned products have been stored for some time, there is even a higher chance that highly trained dogs can easily detect the smell. Pet animals may cause some form of distraction for the sniffer dogs, however, they cannot fool a well-trained dog. Furthermore, most dog handlers will request you to remove your dog from the vehicle or the search area. Additionally, strong scents like deer urine may also act as a distraction for the drug-sniffing dogs. However, this cannot prevent them from detecting drugs or other scents they have been trained to detect.


Whether you are traveling through an airport or you are pulled over for a routine traffic check, it can be a nerve-wracking experience if you have cannabis products with you. Drug sniffer dogs will smell for vape pens and cartridges based on what is in the cartridge. These dogs can be signaled to detect whatever products or objects they have been trained for by the law enforcement agencies and this includes cannabis and nicotine.

With their specialized training and highly sensitive noses, drug dogs can easily sniff out vape and they cannot be easily fooled either. However, if they have not been trained to do so or they are not looking for vape cartridges then they will not detect them.

The post Can Drug Dogs Smell Vape? appeared first on Pets Tutorial.

by Jane Brody via Pets Tutorial

For How Many Seconds Does The Dog Move At The Slower Speed?

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In most cases that I know of, dogs move at the same speed unless they are running or stalking prey or an enemy dog/cat that they want to attack. When dogs are not walking, they are sleeping, lazing around, eating, or playing. If you want your dog to walk at a particular pace, maybe the best thing to do would be to train it, especially if you are going to walk a disabled person as a guide dog.

A dog’s pace also depends on several things that include health of the dog, age, size, weight, walking or running space, etc., which brings me back to the question, For how many seconds does the dog move at the slower speed? I do not have an exact answer to the question, but we can look at the factors that make a dog run fast.

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Factors That Make Dogs Run Fast

Factors That Make Dogs Run Fast

According to science, several factors influence how fast a dog runs. Of course, you have to remember that most dogs run faster than humans do, but they have four limbs to their advantage. The following are the attributes that influence a dog’s speed.

1. Aerodynamics Body Shape

Dogs have body shapes specially built for running. However, some have better-specialized aerodynamics body shapes than others do. One good example is Greyhound, which is the fastest dog in the world. A Greyhound has a flattened rib, a small head with a slender log body and muscular legs that minimize air resistance, and an excellent paw structure for perfect traction. The body design is ideal for speed.

2. Cardiovascular and Respiratory System

The dog’s cardiovascular and respiratory systems also influence how fast it runs or how far it can walk without tiring. A good example again is the Greyhound, the fastest dog on the planet. The Greyhound has a powerful oversized heart with fast blood pumping abilities that help them keep up with their incredible speeds.

The nostrils and lungs of grey are larger than average for the deep and fast intake of air—the better the breathing, the more oxygen to the muscles leads to better endurance. A dog with a smaller heart and less capacity lungs will not run with the same speed as a more endowed dog.

3. Skeletal Structure

Dogs have a unique bone structure, which is the main factor that influences their mobility. Unlike humans, they have disconnected shoulder bones without a collarbone. The lack of a collarbone provides them with larger strides, which makes their running easy and fast.

4. Limbs

Factors That Make Dogs Run Fast 2

Dogs with longer legs run faster than those with shorter ones do, which explains why some larger dog breeds are better at running than the smaller breeds. The long limbs help them take longer strides, which translates to traveling greater distances with fewer strides or steps.

Even though large-sized dogs have an advantage over small-sized dogs when it comes to running faster, some large dogs do not have any speed. One example is the Great Dane. It is a large built dog, but its legs do not have the same strike to the ground as those of a Greyhound.

5. Paws

Dog’s paws have resilient, thick pads and a unique structure that provides them with excellent grip on practically any surface. Its toenails offer them excellent traction, especially when they are at fast speeds. The best way to ensure that the dog’s paws provide the best running and traction abilities is to trim them frequently to prevent snagging or breaking that causes pain or bleeding when they are running.

6. Tail

The dog’s tail helps it counter its weight when running. It ensures that the dog stays on course without tumbling or spinning off.

7. Gait

The four-speed gaits of a dog are walking, which is the lowest, trotting, cantering, and galloping. Galloping is the dog’s fastest gait that it can only achieve at a fast speed, and it requires lifting all four legs off the ground for stride distance and speed.

Wrapping It Up

It is not easy to calculate or tell the seconds a dog moves at a slower speed. All I can tell you is that a dog only slows down if it is getting ready to attack or when it is resting, eating, or sleeping. Another factor that makes a dog reduce its walking speed is walking a person who cannot walk fast. If a dog is not walking at its pace, then most likely, it will be running. The speed at which a dog runs depends on the above factors and its space for running.

The post For How Many Seconds Does The Dog Move At The Slower Speed? appeared first on Pets Tutorial.

by Jane Brody via Pets Tutorial

Can Dogs Live without a Spleen

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There are several important organs in the body and the spleen is one of them. The spleen performs many functions including blood storage, filtering old cells, fighting infection, and production of red blood cells. Even with all these crucial functions, dogs are able to live a normal life without a spleen.

How Long Can A Dog Live Without A Spleen

In some cases, problems may occur resulting in the complete removal of the spleen through a procedure called splenectomy. The spleen is mainly removed if it has ruptured, for instance, after an accident or it develops a tumor.  Both of these cases can result in very sudden illness that requires quick diagnosis and treatment to help save the dog’s life.

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The Significance of the Spleen in the Body

The spleen is found on the left side of the abdomen just close to the stomach. The spleen is smaller than the liver, but it is bigger than the kidney. It looks just like s slipper since it is long and narrow with a narrower part in the center and curved borders. The spleen is a vascular organ that is full of blood storage areas and blood vessels.

The main task of the spleen is a blood storage reservoir, synthesis of red blood cells, filtering out and removing old blood cells and fighting infection. The best thing is that all these functions can be performed elsewhere if the spleen must be removed and this is why your dog is able to survive and live normally without a spleen.

Splenic Masses And Why Are They Bad?

Most spleens in dogs are removed because they have developed a tumor. Tumors of the spleen are quite common in most dog breeds and many vets treat them every year. Tumors can be malignant such as the red pulp hemangiosarcoma, benign, for instance, the red pulp hemangiona.

Most tumors are haemagiosarcoma’s, which is the worst form and even if it doesn’t show, these tumors almost always spread by the time the dog is diagnosed. However, dogs are not killed by the tumor spread, but by the bleeding from the tumor developing in the spleen. By just removing the spleen, most of these dogs can live normally for about six months and without the need for any follow-up treatment.

The success of the surgery will largely depend on the type of problem, how advanced the issue is, and if it is a tumor, whether it is malignant or benign. The faster you get your pooch to the vet after noticing any symptoms associated with spleen problems, the higher the chances of having a successful operation. This is why every dog owner should be familiar with the signs of spleen issues that may warrant removal.

Signs of Spleen Problems in Canines

Every dog owner needs to know the signs of spleen problems in dogs. This way, if surgery must be performed to remove the spleen, it can be done during the earlier phases giving your dog the best chance of survival. If the spleen has a tumor, some of the signs your dog will exhibit include:

  • Swollen abdomen
  • Loss of appetite
  • Signs of anemia
  • Increased fatigue

If your pooch has a ruptured spleen, some signs you should look out for are:

  • Increased weakness
  • Shock
  • a tendency to collapse

The dog may also show signs of distress and may lose interest in daily activities and may be extremely depressed and subdued. Always remember that dogs react differently to spleen problems based on the dog itself and the specific condition the dog has. Because of the fatigue and weakness caused by spleen problems or rupturing, your dog will spend most of his time lying down and will be reluctant to get up.

What Happens if The Spleen is Not Removed?

How Long Can A Dog Live Without A Spleen

If your dog has a splenic tumor and you do not want the spleen removed, the tumor growth should be closely monitored by ultrasound. However, if the tumor continues growing, it will eventually cause internal bleeding and your pet will not survive it. This is because the spleen has lots of blood veins and blood storage areas.

Splenectomy is a safe procedure that is performed regularly by most veterinary clinics.  The overall prognosis for non-complex splenectomy is good. However, just like any other surgery, splenectomy has potential risks of complications such as:

  • Bleeding
  • Infection
  • Blood clots
  • Cardiac Arrhythmias
  • Pancreatitis
  • Anesthetic death

In a Wrap

As you can see, dogs can easily survive without a spleen for about six months or even more. However, their survival will largely depend on the spleen problem. Most veterinary clinics can safely carry out splenectomy and they perform these procedures regularly As a result, they can provide your pooch with the best care possible before, during, and even after the surgery.

Based on the condition of your pet after the surgery, he or she may go home on the same day or may be hospitalized for a few days. When discharged, the dog should have full recovery after two weeks. You must ensure that your dog is restricted to short leash walks for weeks after the surgery. The pet should also wear a t-shirt, E-collar, and some kind of protection to help prevent self-trauma on the surgical site.

The post Can Dogs Live without a Spleen appeared first on Pets Tutorial.

by Jane Brody via Pets Tutorial