Thứ Ba, 18 tháng 5, 2021

The Singapura Cat Breed Information, Pictures, Characteristics

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When Leonardo da Vinci said, Even the Smallest Feline is Masterpiece, he probably was not talking about the Singapura cat breed, but the cat sure is a masterpiece. The Singapura is the smallest cat among all the cat breeds in the world. Weighing between four and eight pounds, this small feline may be a little creature, but it is a powerhouse with a big personality.

If you think of adopting this beautiful small pet, read on to find out everything you can about it.


Singapura Cat Breed

The first thing that strikes you about the Singapura is the unique look. It has a medium-sized body but with well-formed muscles. Besides the diminutive size of the ca that quickly catches everyone’s attention, the cat also has small saucer-sized eyes with oversized ears. The eyes have a black outline, and the body comes with a unique coloring that makes it stand out.

Unlike many other cat breeds with multiple colors and coat patterns, the Singapura comes in one color. It has a sepia-toned coat with light bands separating two dark ticking bands and a dark tip on the tail. According to the cat fanciers association, the muzzle, stomach, chin, and chest are the unbleached muslin color.


Singapura Cat Breed History

The Singapura breed history is vague and somewhat controversial, but one thing is clear: the breed came from Singapore’s streets. An American couple Hal and Tommy Meadows found three cats-one male and two females on the streets of an island in Singapore and brought the cats with them to America in 1970.

Another version of the Singapura origin says that Barbara Gilbertson found a female brown-ticked cat in SPCA Singapore. She brought it to America in 1980 because of her interest in the breed. In 1979, CAT recognized the Singapura while the fanciers association accepted it in 1981 with full recognition coming in 1988.

The American Cat Fanciers Associating also recognized the breed, and in 1991, the Singapore government honored the breed by naming it as one of its living national treasures. The other part of the breed’s controversy says that the cat is actually a crossbreed between the Abyssinian and Burmese breeds. Its first breeding place was the United States by the Meadows before someone else took it to Singapore.

Maybe the controversy surrounding the breed led the Cat Fanciers Association to classify the Singapura as a natural breed.

Read next: Ragamuffin Cat Breed

Personality and Temperament

Singapura Cat Breed Personality

As tiny as the Singapura is, he is the cat in charge, and he proves it by supervising everything everyone does around him. When there is something he does not approve of or does not want, he will trick you into giving him space. The Singapura is brilliant, affectionate, and curious. He loves attention so much that sometimes he gets the reputation of being the family pest.

The cat is extremely friendly to the family members but very wary of strangers though some of them will befriend everyone they meet. The Singapura also gets along with other pets, including dogs, and other cats. Even though they like kids, the Singapura does not like loud noises. Therefore, it will not get along with screaming and noisy children, and it may try to get away from them.

The Singapura is extremely playful, and anything and everything becomes a plaything. He is also very observant of the goings-on around him, and he hates boredom.


The Singapura has one of the most effortless coats to groom. A comb once a week removes all the dead hairs and saves you the agony of cleaning off loose hairs from the furniture, clothes, or floor. Brushing or combing weekly also distributes the skin oils to keep the coat shiny.

The cat cleans itself well, which minimizes the number of baths the cat needs. Weekly nail trimming and ear cleaning are what the cat needs most in the grooming sector.

Read next: Balinese Cat Breed


The Singapura is a healthy breed, but like many animals and even humans, they develop genetic health problems. One of the most significant issues with the Singapuras is problems during birth-uterine inertia, which is problematic because of their weak muscles. They deliver mostly through C-section. Another health issue is pyruvate kinase deficiency, which causes anemia. The Singapura has a life expectancy of 11 to 15 years.Singapura Cat Breed health

Wrapping it up

If you are thinking of adopting or buying a Singapura, ensure that, you get it from a reputable cat owner or pet shop or cat association that will provide you with all the necessary health certificates. That said, you will enjoy having a Singapura in your home. It lights up the home with its gentleness, affection, playful nature, and intelligence. Do not let the diminutive size fool you. The cat is a masterpiece.


The post The Singapura Cat Breed Information, Pictures, Characteristics appeared first on Pets Tutorial.

by Jane Brody via Pets Tutorial

Chủ Nhật, 16 tháng 5, 2021

The Ragamuffin Cat Breed Pictures-Information & Characteristics

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If you see the Ragamuffin cat for the first time, you might think it is a Ragdoll, which is entirely understandable considering the two have many similarities. The cat also looks like a crossbreed of longhaired cats such as the Persians or other longhaired domestics.

The other impression the cat gives is good health and immense sweetness, mostly because of the docile nature and large expressive eyes. I can tell that adopting or purchasing this pet from reputable pet stores is worth the effort and money.

Read on to find out more about the Ragamuffin cat breed.


ragamuffin cat breed Appearance

The Ragamuffin has a rectangular body shape with broad shoulders and chest. Its hindquarters are moderately masculine, and the lower abdomen bears a fatty pad. Other parts of the body, including the muzzle, chin, and forehead, have a rounded appearance with full cheeks and a short, strong, and heavy neck. The whisker pad has a puffiness that gives it a sweet look. The eyes of the breed are very noticeable.

They are sharp, expressive, and walnut-shaped with a moderate wide set and an oriental slant. The eye colors range from yellow/gold to aqua and odd-eyed. The paws have tufts between the paws and beneath them.  The legs are medium in length and heavily boned, with the back ones being slightly longer than the front ones.

It has a fully furred tail with a slight taper at the base. The Ragamuffin’s coat is either bi-colored or multi-colored with a silky, dense, and soft texture and medium-to-medium-long length.


ragamuffin cat breed History

The Ragamuffin shares the same history as the Ragdoll. The breed is one of the newest in the market yet one of the most popular in many homes across the world. The first of its kind was a white Angora-type Turkish semi-feral white cat named Josephine, whose family was in riverside California and owned by Ann Baker.

One of the breed’s kittens named Daddy Warbucks became one of the breed’s dominant males. It had a white tail tip with mitted seal point longhair, with a white blaze on the body. Back then, cats with mitted feet and pointed patterns went by the name Cherubims. The ones with non-pointed hair features went by the name miracle Ragdolls.

The pet’s owner patented the name in 1971, but some individuals split the owner’s foundation in 1975 and renamed the new breed Ragamuffin, independent of the Ragdoll breed. Today, all cat associations except the CCA recognize the Ragamuffin. TICA does not accept the breed beyond its registration status.

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Personality and Temperament

ragamuffin cat breed Personality

The personalities and temperaments of the Ragdoll and Ragamuffin are very similar. The breed is people-oriented, affectionate, cuddly, attentive, and very lovable. When you hold it in your arms, it tends to go limp, which is a sign of feeling thoroughly contented and comfortable.

The breed is not overly active, but it enjoys some playtime with preferred people. They also adapt fast to situations around them, they follow humans they are close to everywhere, and change of routine does not change or upset them. The cat is friendly to well-behaved children, dogs, and other cats.


The Ragamuffin’s soft, silky, and medium-long coat does not tangle much, making it one of the easiest cats breeds to groom. All it needs is a gentle combing once or twice a week to remove any loose hairs and make it feel loved.

Regular nail trimming and ear cleaning are essential for the cat, and you should do it at least once every ten days. In addition, brushing the cat’s teeth regularly with vet-approved toothpaste helps to prevent periodontal diseases.


Generally, the Ragamuffin is a healthy cat. However, like all animals, it can inherit genetic health problems. Some of the most common hereditary health issues in the Ragamuffin breed include- Polycystic Kidney Disease (PKD) and Hypertrophic Cardiomyopathy (HCM).

Before buying the breed, you should insist on seeing the certificates that prove the cat has gone through PKD and HCM screening. HCM is common in cats, and it causes the thickening of heart muscles. PKD, on the other hand, causes renal failure. The life expectancy of the breed is from 8 to 13 years.

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Wrapping it up

The Ragamuffin is not a very vocal breed, nor is it too active. However, it is one of the best pets to have at home, especially if you live in an apartment. It is attentive, loves everyone around them, and follows you everywhere you go, which is somewhat sweet.

Talking of sweetness, the breed is beautiful, with expressive eyes, and you will want to cuddle it to feel the soft, silky texture of its fantastic coat. If the Ragamuffin wee a dog, you would definitely put it on a leash and take it with you for walks, and it will not fight you.

The post The Ragamuffin Cat Breed Pictures-Information & Characteristics appeared first on Pets Tutorial.

by Jane Brody via Pets Tutorial