Chủ Nhật, 21 tháng 3, 2021

The Highlander Cat Breed – Pictures , Information & Characteristics

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Can your cat curl its ears? Does your cat like water a lot?

If the answers are yes, you probably have a Highlander cat in your home or another breed closely related to the breed.  These unique features and traits are some of the things that set the overly friendly breed apart from the others. The Highlander cat is a very new breed as it first appeared into the market in 2004.

Highlander Cat Breed

Even with its newness, the Highlander continues to attract many cat lovers worldwide, which are understandable because once you set your eyes on the cat’s distinctive good looks; you will want to take it home with you. Besides the looks, the breed has some of the most charming personalities you will not find in other breeds. Read on for the rest of the details concerning the Highlander cat breed.


The Highlander is a medium to large cat with distinctive ears and a naturally short tail. A male adult Highlander weighs 15 to 20 pounds while a female weighs 10 to 14 pounds. Some of the same cat breeds weigh even much more than that. The cats muscular and athletic body combines with the physical appearance give it the big cat look.

Highlander Cat Breed 2

However, the Highlander is one of the most domesticated cats with no wild traits.  The unique physical traits are the curled ears and a short bob tail. Some of the Highlander cats have more toes than those of other cats-polydactyl feet though others have normal toes and straight ears. The breed comes in two varieties-longhaired and shorthaired. Their coats have a variety of beautiful patterns and colors.


The cat is a crossbreed of the Desert Lynx and the Jungle Curl, which explains its unique wildcat looks. Joe Childers, a cat breeder, first created the breed in 1993, but it was not until 2004 that the cat got its own identification.

Highlander Cat Breed History

Even though it has physical traits that resemble a wildcat, the cat does not have wildcat genes. It is a playful companion with a docile attitude. The original name of the cat was highland lynx, but in 2005, it became the Highlander. In 2008, TICA accepted the Highlander as a preliminary breed.

Personality and Temperament

The Highlander may have the wildcat looks with a huge muscular body, but it is far from the actual wildcat. Highlander is the typical family cat that loves to chase and play with everyone. The cat loves the company of those around it, and when you open the door, it will be the first to greet and welcome you inside the house. It is not a vocal cat, but it is a show-off, especially to visitors.

Highlander Cat Breed Personality

In its younger ages, the Highlander physically exhibits high energy with more dog-like traits. There are even articles with suggestions that if you cannot decide between getting a dog or a cat as your family pet, just go for a Highlander cat breed because you will have both traits in one. The cat rolls over like a dog, it plays catch, and you can put a leash on it for a walk in the park just as you would on a pet dog.

Unlike many cats that hate water, it fascinates the Highlander. It loves to swim, and on occasion, you will see it hovering over anything that contains water. Its respect levels for both adults and children are high, and it gets along with other pets. It is an intelligent cat with fast learning abilities. The only thing the cat requires more than anything else from its owner is attention and time.


The breed requires little grooming but an occasional coat brushing especially during season changes is good. Because of their curled ears, the cats tend to develop wax build us in their ears.

Highlander Cat Breed Grooming

Even though this is all-natural, you should occasionally clean the ears using vet-approved ear drops and cleaning tools. Other grooming procedures the cat needs are brushing the teeth using vet recommended toothpaste, and regular trimming of the claws.


Highlander Cat Breed Health

Highlanders are healthy cats with no known medical issues. The only possible medical condition that the Highlander may go through is the appearance of ear mites. You can tell if the cat has ear mites if there is a foul smell emitting from the ears. If you suspect it has mites, a visit to the vet will do just fine. It can live for 10 to 15 years.

Read next: Balinese Cat Breed

Wrapping It Up

Despite the Highlander wildcat features, it does not share the same traits as wild cats. The breed is an extremely intelligent cat that is loyal and loving to the people around him. The cat loves to play, and its dog-like traits make it even more adorable and easier to get along with. If you cannot decide between keeping a dog r a cat, go the Highlander.

The post The Highlander Cat Breed – Pictures , Information & Characteristics appeared first on Pets Tutorial.

by Jane Brody via Pets Tutorial

Thứ Bảy, 20 tháng 3, 2021

The Balinese Cat Breed – Information, History, & Characteristics

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If you love blue-eyed cats, you will most likely fall head over heels in love with the Balinese cat. If you are familiar with the Siamese cat, seeing a Balinese for the first time might make you think you are looking at another with just a few differences.


The breed has the same Siamese sophisticated coat colors, but the Balinese has a longer coat if you look closely. Besides the coat’s shade, the Balinese share the same personalities and temperaments as the Siamese cat, albeit a few differences. Our review of the breed gives you all the details you need to know before making the Balinese cat part of your family.


The Balinese is a medium-sized breed with a slender, long, and tubular body, combined with firm muscles and fine bones. The ears are pointed, large, and wide at the base, while the eyes are medium-sized with almond shapes. The cat has a long tapering head with a wedge and a size proportional to that of the body.

Balinese Cat Breed Appearance

The wedge starts from the nose and goes all the way to the ear tips to form a triangle. The breed also has a long leg bone structure with a slim build and higher hind legs. The paws are small, oval, and dainty but proportional to the body size. The front legs of the Balinese cat breed have five toes, while there are four on the back legs.

The coat has a medium length, with the longest part being on the tail and subtle shading. Older Balinese cats have darker shades of color than the younger ones, while the tail, feet, ears, and legs have denser and clearly defined shades.


Longhaired kitten breeds started appearing first in the early 1900s, in litters made of the shorthaired Siamese breed. After World War I, some people believe that long hair genes found their way into the gene pool of European Siamese kittens. The war saw the obliteration of the Siamese cats. Mixed breed cats and other cat breeds revitalized the breed. One of the revitalizing breeds was very similar to the Balinese cat.

Balinese Cat Breed history

Other people believe that the long hair gene mutated naturally. Though there is a dispute regarding both theories, the Balinese cats’ entrance in 1940 was a great addition to the existing Siamese cat breeds. The cats got the name from their flowing line and graceful movements similar to the colorful Bali dancers.

Major North American cat associations accepted the existence of the breed by 1970. Another cat breed that found its way to the breed family was Javanese, created by mixing Colorpoint shorthair with the Balinese. In mid-2008, the Javanese became a Balinese breed color division.


The Balinese are playful, agile, athletic, outgoing, curious, and extremely intelligent. The cats have amazing communication skills and a chatty personality. They make great comforters when you are sad, and they readily share your joy when you are happy.

Balinese Cat Breed Personality

They hate scolding, and if you show that side of you, they withdraw in a way that clearly shows hurt feelings. The only way to correct the cats is by using positive reinforcement and a coaching tone. They also have dog-like features, love to play fetch, and are friendly with those around, including dogs, other cats, and children.


Balinese Cat Breed Grooming

The Balinese has a soft, silky coat that does not shed much, making it easy to groom. Weekly brushing is enough to remove any loose furs, to maintain a healthy shiny coat. Occasional ear cleaning and weekly nail trimming are crucial for the health of the cat. It would be best to clean the cat’s teeth regularly using vet-approved toothpaste to prevent periodontal disease. Occasions cleaning schedules with the vet are also important.


The Balinese cat breed enjoys great health with no known physical defects, but some get the occasional genetic health issues that many other animals and people get. The most common health problems with the breed are lysosomal storage disease that results in neurological problems and feline acromelanism, leading to coat color changes with temperature variations.

Balinese Cat Breed Health

Therefore, it is crucial to buy a Balinese kitten from a breeder who provides you with a legit guarantee for good health. The Balinese cat breed has a life expectancy of 18 to 22 years.

Wrapping it up

The Balinese cat is a great addition and companion for any family. It adapts easily to situations around it, and it is friendly with everyone, including kids and other pets. Moreover, the graceful nature and the cat’s intelligence that gives you the impression that it talks its way through everything is an admirable trait that will want you to own one.

The post The Balinese Cat Breed – Information, History, & Characteristics appeared first on Pets Tutorial.

by Jane Brody via Pets Tutorial

9 Types Of Cats – List of Cat Breeds

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Cats are the most popular pets in many families across the world. Some families keep even more than one cat at a time. They are a joy to have around because of their playful nature, ability to live cordially with humans and other pets, and immense intelligence, among other attributes.

There are over 100 types of cat breeds, classified as either purebred or domestic. Purebreds have a lineage that traces back their pedigree history, while domestic cats do not. Purebreds are also the only cat breeds recognized by major cat associations globally.

Types Of Cats

The prominent cat organizations are CFA-The Cat Fanciers Association, TICA-The International Cat Association, and FIFe-Federation Internationale Feline. The associations also take into account several factors before recognizing different types of cats as purebreds. Some of the most popular cat breeds go back to many centuries ago, with most of them garnering fame because of their unique traits, personalities, physical appearances, or featuring in famous movies.

However, even though cat organizations do not recognize domestics, they make close to 95% of the most preferred home kitties to keep in many American families. Domestics come as shorthaired or longhaired and in different colors and sizes.

Whatever the case, cats are small loving creatures that make home environments happy places. The reviews below are for some of the most common types of cats that many families prefer to keep as pets.

Types of Cats

1. American Shorthair

American Shorthair

The American Shorthair is a popular breed in many American homes, and others worldwide. The breed traces its entry into America to the early 1600s through Spanish explorers and Jamestown settlers. The early intentions of breeding the cats were to protect crops from chipmunks and squirrels and as mousers. However, the breed started winning the hearts of many homeowners, and it was not long before many of them started to keep the breed as pets.

The Shorthair American breed is medium to large body, with a muscular build. It is not the usual lap cat type, and it is not too active. You can say that the cat is somewhat lazy. However, the cat is playful, has a sweet disposition, and its manners are docile and mild. It gets along with everyone, especially kids and other pets.

The breed’s short hair makes grooming easy as it does not shed much. Besides its affectionate nature, the American Shorthair is also independent and does not have any problems being alone. The breed reaches its maturity at three to four years and has a lifespan of 15 to 20 years.

It has diverse patterns and colors, but the silver tabby is the most common type. The breed enjoys good health, but the occasional hereditary hypertrophic cardiomyopathy becomes an issue with some of the cats. Other common health issues include mouth and gum diseases, respiratory and ocular problems, and obesity.

2. British Shorthair

British Shorthair

Another popular type of cat breed that you will find in many homes is the British Shorthair. The British Shorthair is one of the oldest cat breeds in the world. The belief is that the cats entered England in 43 AD after the invasion by Romans.

The popularity of the cats grew all over England during the Victorian era but under strict breeding conditions. In the 1900s, the British cross the shorthair with the Persian breed, giving rise to the British longhair. The two are similar save for the length of their fur.

The America Cat Association recognized the breed in 1967, making it one of the top breeds accepted and recognized by all cat associations. The cat has a round body with strong legs and a broad chest. Its coat is plush, short, and thick, and it sheds its fur during the fall and spring. A weekly brushing of the coat is enough to keep the breed tidy and without any loose hairs.

The cat is not needy, and it will be okay by just lying next to your feet instead of going for your laps. Even though the breed is not a lap cat, it likes to follow people close to it from one place to the next. They are gentle, especially with kids and other pets, and they respect everyone around them.

The breed has a lifespan of between 12 and 17 years, and they come in a variety of patterns and colors, with the most common being gray. The breed enjoys good health, but it is susceptible to specific health issues, such as obesity, gingivitis, hemophilia B, and hypertrophic cardiomyopathy. The breed’s popularity has seen the cays appear in several TV movies and books, with the most popular being Alice in Wonderland and Cheshire Cat.

3. Abyssinian Cats

Abyssinian Cats

Another popular type of cat breed in many homes is the Abyssinian that also goes by Abys or Bunny Cat. Even though the breed’s history is obscure, there is the belief that the origin we Ethiopia, formerly Abyssinia. Stories about the breed’s history go further to say that it found its way to the UK through army personnel in 1860.

The first thing that captures your heart about the Abyssinian cat is its elegance. It has a medium-sized build with long slender legs and a strong, lithe body. The head of an Abys has a wedge shape, and the ears have tufts on the tips. The cat has a distinctive pattern on its fur, with the ruddy color being the most common among other shades and patterns.

The Abys looks very much like an African wildcat. It is an intelligent, playful, curious, and quiet pet with great attachment to humans and enjoys the company of those around it, activity, and space. It enjoys climbing and feels more at ease around high places and trees.

The coat is easy to groom, and an occasional brushing relaxes the cat. The Abyssinian cat’s most common health issues include anemia caused by pyruvate kinase deficiency, and progressive retinal atrophy, an eye problem.

4. Maine Coon Cats

Maine Coon Cats

The Maine Coon is another popular type of cat in many homes in America. The adorable breed is also one of the largest cat breeds in the world. The breed first came to America as a longhaired cat in the 1850s through seafarers. It mated with shorthair breeds to produce the strongly built cats with raccoon-like tails, semi-long coats, and brush-like tails. The cat got its name from the looks. One of the characteristics that made the cat stand out was the dense coat that withstood the Maine winters with ease.

In the 1860s, the cats had special shows held for them, and before long, they became some of the most favorite pets. Besides the muscular body, Maine Coon cats also have heads with squared-off muzzles, substantial legs, broad and extensive ears, a waterproof topcoat, and a glossy undercoat. It has long hair on its tail, sides, and back, but shorter on the shoulders, neck, and head.

The belly and breeches have shaggy, fuller hair. Other notable features that make the breed stand out include tufted tip ears, long and flowing tail hair, and a ruff that starts from the base of the ears. The Maine Coon comes in different colors with copper, green, or gold eyes.

The cat is friendly, playful and it has a sweet nature. It is brilliant, energetic, enjoys human company. On many occasions, it exhibits dog-like habits where it follows the owner from one room to the next, plays fetch, and obeys the basic commands such as come, sit, etc. Even though the breed enjoys excellent health, it is prone to hip dysplasia and hypertrophic cardiomyopathy issues.

The cat breed needs frequent grooming to keep its long hair in good and healthy condition, irrespective of whether the breed does a perfect job cleaning itself. The lifespan of the Maine Coon is 12 to 15 years.

5. Ragdoll Cats

Ragdoll Cats

When people talk about types of cats with large muscular bodies, another one that comes to mind is the Ragdoll cat breed. Besides its large body, the Ragdoll is a laid-back cat and a wonderful pet. The earliest Ragdoll kittens were a cross of a White Persian Queen and Birman Tom in the 1960s in California.

It gets its name from how floppy and relaxed it becomes when picked up. Besides the imposing and powerful body, other features that make the breed easily recognizable are the distinctive body markings with three coat patterns in four different colors. It has large deep blue eyes, a broad head with a flat top, broad chest, sturdy legs, and a short neck. The tail is bushy and long, while the coat is dense, silky, with alight ranging from medium to long.

Of all the domestic types of cats in homes, the Ragdoll is probably the most laid-back breed. It is undemanding, gentle, good with kids and other pets, devoted, trusting, loyal, content, and it tolerates most of the situations thrown at it with ease. The cat has a striking coat, and to keep it in good condition, you need to groom it regularly.

The most pronounced genetic health issue associated with the Ragdoll cat is inherited hypertrophic cardiomyopathy. A female Ragdoll weighs between 10 and 15 pounds, while the male weighs an average of 20 pounds and above. The cat breed has a lifespan of 12 to 17 years.

6. Persian Cat

Persian Cat

If you are looking for luxury in a cat, you cannot do better than the Persian cat. The breed is pure elegance, and it boasts the softest and longest fur you can think of. Besides its beauty and grace, the Persian cat is a laid-back medium to large pet and one of the most popular cat breeds in many American families.

As their name suggests, the breed originated from modern-day Iran, which went by Mesopotamia, then Persia. In the late 19th century, the breed found its way to the USA and became an instant favorite with cat lovers.

An adult male Persian cat weighs between 9 and 14 pounds, while a female weighs between 7 and 11 pounds. The elegant cat is quiet, docile, and enjoys quiet and calm environments. As much as the cat likes sitting on the human lap and being petted, it is comfortable sitting by itself as it observes the happening around it.

The Persian is also proud and selective, and it does not interact or show its affection to everyone. It copes better with laid-back pets and mild-mannered kids, and it enjoys playtime moments. The long, glossy, and thick coat sheds a lot leaving hair all over the house. Frequent grooming and daily combing of the hair reduces loose hair around your home. The cats come in different colors such as white, black, blue, lilac, chocolate, cream, silver, and red.

The breed enjoys good health, but it is also prone to several health issues: entropion eye conditions, heat sensitivity, misaligned teeth, and respiratory difficulties. Life expectancy of the Persian cat is 15 to 20 years.

7. The Burmese Cat

The Burmese Cat

The Burmese cat is another type of cat breed popular in many families across the USA. The cat has a medium-sized body build, and even though she appears light, she feels heavy when you pick her. Her body build is also compact, but heavy boning makes her a muscular breed.

The breed first came to the USA in 1930 from Burma with DR. Joseph C. Thompson. The cat’s name was Wong Mau, and it was a deep brown colored breed that made fanciers assume it was a dark Siamese. However, Dr. Thompson disputed the dark Siamese theory. He, alongside other breeders, decided to determine the exact breed of Wong Mau. They started by breeding Wong Mau to a Siamese breed, and the resulting kittens were pure Siamese and hybrids of Siamese/hybrids.

They went ahead to breed the hybrids among other similar hybrids, and the result was the birth of Burmese kittens with deep, dark colors. Controversy followed after the breed’s popularity saw them appear in show halls, which led to the canceling of their recognition by the CFA because they were hybrids. It was not until 1953 that the Burmese got an official assurance and recognition from the Burmese cat society.

The breed’s facial features are all round, and by that I mean, the ear tips are rounded, the head is round, the feet are round, and so are the chin and eyes. Besides the solid look of the cat, it has extreme strength. The coat has the usual dark shadings found in many kittens with short and glossy fur, with a tortoiseshell pattern, but as it matures, the shading disappears, and in their place, the coat exhibits the richness of the accepted colors of a Burmese breed.

The Burmese cat’s coat does not require much grooming, as they are great at taking care of themselves. The accepted colors are sable, lilac, Champagne, cream, red, chocolate, tortoiseshell, platinum, fawn, cinnamon, and Champagne.

Most of the Burmese cats are sable or the traditional deep brown color. When the Burmese cat breed is younger, it exhibits a curious and active nature. However, as the cat gets older, it becomes placid and prefers to watch things from a distance rather than join in the activities.

The breed adapts to changes around her quickly, and they love sitting by the window as they observe the world around them. They do not get along too well with other cat breeds, but they are comfortable among their own types of cat breeds. They also love to play, feeling loved, which you have to do by petting and rubbing the stomach, and they are excellent climbers.

The Burmese cat breed is healthy, but they have a few hereditary issues such as feline orofacial pain syndrome, Hypokalemic polymyopathy, diabetes mellitus, unusual eating habits, head, and brain deformity. Their lifespan is between 9 and 13 years.

8. The Exotic Cat

The Exotic Cat

If you are looking for types of cats with great personalities and easygoing natures, you should consider adopting the Exotic cat breed.

The breed belongs to the Persian family of cats, and for several years running, it topped the list as the most popular cat breed. It is also one of the breeds with the shortest history as it goes back to the 1950s. Besides being one of the Persian shorthaired breeds, and the origin is in either America or Britain, there is not much else concerning the breed’s history. However, the popularity of the breed as a favorite pet goes back to the 1960s.

The breed likes to play, cuddle, and relax. It is gentle and calm with kids, adults, and other pets. It is also one of the most loyal and affectionate breeds among all the different types of cats globally. The two features of the breed that make it stand out are its flattened muzzle with a short and broad face, which puts it into the brachycephalic category, and its pedomorphic kitten appearance. It has wide and round eyes, small ears, a large round head, and a short nose.

The Exotic is mainly a lap cat, but on occasion, it likes to rest on spots such as tiles, cold floor, and bricks to cool off its body. The Exotic has an easy to groom, and maintain luxurious and plush coat. It is of medium length, with minimal shedding, and a range of different patterns and colors, with the most common being striped, calico, and white.

Like many other brachycephalic breeds, the Exotic cat breeds main health issue is trouble breathing. Regulating its body temperature is also a challenge, so it needs to stay in cool places when the temperatures are high.

Other genetic health issues the breed is prone to include overflowing tear ducts because of the nose’s proximity to the eyes, tooth alignment issues because of the short jawline, and occasional sinus problems. The breed has a life expectancy of 8 to 14 years.

9. Norwegian Forest Cat

Norwegian Forest Cat

The Norwegian Forest Cat is a pleasure to look at and own because of its elegance and beautiful short coat, alongside other fantastic personality traits.

As the name suggests, the Norwegian cat breed is a native of Norway that goes back thousands of years. If you were to consider the types of cats with the most appearances in legends, fairy tales, and movies, the Norwegian cat should top the list. The cat’s origins are not very clear, but what we know is that it is a descendant of Turkey’s longhaired breed. It may also have close relations to the Russian Siberian cat or other shorthaired breeds in Arctic climates.

The breed first came to America in the late 1970s and became an instant favorite among cat lovers. The Norwegian has a large muscular body that closely resembles that of a Maine Coon. Even with the large body, the breed is calm, gentle, affectionate, and fond of everyone in the family. However, it is not too friendly with visitors or pets that do not belong to the family.

It does not crave attention, and even when alone, it will entertain itself to keep busy. The Norwegian Forest is not a lap cat, but it will sit on the edge of the seat close to family members on occasion. A pet or a scratch along the coat makes the cat feel good too. Irrespective of its large muscular build, the Wegie is an amazing climber.

A mature Norwegian weighs an average of between 13 and 22 pounds, and it has a life expectancy of 12 to 16 years. Wegies are generally some of the healthiest breeds to have as family pets. However, like many other healthy cat breeds, they have mostly generic common health issues.

Some of the most common health problems c the Norwegian Forest cat breed include Glycogen Storage Disease IV, Hypertrophic Cardiomyopathy, Polycystic Kidney Disease, and Retinal Dysplasia.

Wrapping It Up

The above are some of the most common types of cats you find in many American homes that keep pets. However, there are hundreds of more breeds with outstanding personalities and features that make people endear to them.

Cats are easy creatures to fall in love with as they are gentle, adorable, playful, and unlike dogs, they do not require too much attention or grooming sessions. Many of the breeds do perfect jobs cleaning after themselves. Which is your favorite cat breed?

The post 9 Types Of Cats – List of Cat Breeds appeared first on Pets Tutorial.

by Jane Brody via Pets Tutorial