Chủ Nhật, 10 tháng 1, 2021

Why Does my Dog Wrap His Paws Around My Arm

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Unlike human beings, dogs do not talk, however, they still communicate through their body language, barking, and behavior. To understand what your dog is saying, you should take time to pay attention to and study how your dog communicates. Keep in mind that when your dog wraps its paw around your arm, they are trying to say something. Here are the reasons why dogs wrap their paws around the arms of humans.

Why Does my Dog Wrap His Paws Around My Arm

Your Dog Wants Affection

Dogs usually communicate with humans through their body language and barking. They will utilize their paws to express their needs. When they want affection or are being affectionate towards their loved ones, dogs will resolve to pawing. Just like human beings, dogs want affection from people that they care about. Therefore, your pet will touch you when they want to be petted and touched.

Wants to Play

Dogs love playing and they spend most of their day playing with other canines, alone, or with humans. Play is extremely essential because it can help to reinforce the behavior of your dog. Furthermore, play helps dogs to strengthen the bond with other dogs or humans. In addition, it helps dogs become motivated and they will pay more attention to humans and even work with them.  Keep in mind that dogs play with their paws and this is a normal instinct whenever they are playing around.

They are Hungry

Dogs tend to use their paws to get the attention of their masters whenever they are angry. They may use this occasionally and not all the time. However, they can touch a bag of food or move their bowl using their paws. If you notice your canine doing any of these actions then it means that they want to get your attention because they are hungry.

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A way of Saying Sorry

Why Does my Dog Wrap His Paws Around My Arm

Have you checked your dog’s behavior after correcting or scolding them? When they feel sorry for the mistakes they have committed, most dogs will resolve to pawing their loved ones. You need to understand this because your canine pet cannot express himself in words. However, they will show you they are sorry through their behavior. Most dogs will wrap their paws around your arm when they feel sorry and want to make up for their mistakes by changing their behavior.

Your Dog May Be Scared

When dogs are scared, they may sometimes wrap their paws around your arms to convey this feeling. This is one of the instincts they use to get your attention especially when something is bothering them. They will take this action when they feel scared of other dogs or pets or they are afraid of loud noise. If your dog is afraid of doing something, they will come and wrap their paws around your arm.

To understand whether the pawing is out of fear, you should examine the body language of your dog. If they seem angry or agitated, then something is definitely off. Keep in mind that dogs will use paws to tell humans whatever is happening to them or the problem they are facing.

They Want Your Attention

Dogs love attention and whenever possible, they will always want to be the center of attention. Most dogs wish their owners will notice them and even spend time with them. They will bother you, beg, and even whine whenever they want to be noticed.

Most dogs will wrap their paws on your arm or even touch your leg when they want you to notice their presence. Your dog will want you to be with them whenever he/she needs companionship.

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They Are Stressed and Want to Communicate Their Current Condition

Sometimes, looking at the paw activity of your pet can help in gauging their mental health. Dogs tend to use their paws to show that something is wrong. Stressed pets are not able to tell their owners when they feel stressed, however, their paws can.  They will touch your arm with their paws to show you that something is wrong or they are feeling down.

In a Wrap

As you can see, there are many reasons why dogs will wrap their paws around your arms. To determine the specific reason, you need to evaluate your dog’s behavior before and after he wraps his paws around the arms. Once you have an idea of what is causing your dog to behavior this way, you will be able to give your dog whatever he/she wants or solve the problem they are experiencing.

The post Why Does my Dog Wrap His Paws Around My Arm appeared first on Pets Tutorial.

by Jane Brody via Pets Tutorial

How To Make A Prosthetic Leg For A Dog

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Ease of mobility is as important to dogs as it is to humans. However, in some cases, freedom of mobility becomes a problem if a dog loses one or more limbs. To allow the dog to gain that freedom back, a prosthetic limb comes in handy. Besides providing the dog with freedom and ease of mobility, a prosthetic limb also helps to share weight from each of the limbs equally.

The move prevents additional injuries that might occur due to imbalances or weight shifting. Having three legs does not mean the dog cannot function well, but it puts lots of strain on some parts of the body such as the neck, back, and remaining three limbs, especially the one directly opposite the missing one.

There are different ways you can choose to fit your dog with a prosthetic leg. You can decide to go to a veterinary orthopedic specialist, your dog’s specialist, or a DIY limb to give your dog better mobility and quality of life.

How To Make A Prosthetic Leg For A Dog

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The Procedure of Making and Fitting a Dog with a Prosthetic Leg Professionally

Before a dog gets a prosthetic leg, it must first have gone through amputation and healing of the soft tissues. You can have a prosthetic leg fitted by the veterinarian, a prosthetist, or a veterinary orthopedic specialist, depending on your budget or the seriousness of the matter.

The prosthetist or veterinarian takes the existing limbs’ measurements and continues to make a custom-made prosthetic that is the exact fit for your dog. The limb goes through molding into a cast, and the whole process from molding to fitting might take anything from four to six weeks.

Before fitting the prosthetic, the dog will have to undergo physical therapy or rehabilitation to ensure comfort and proper fit. For the first two weeks, your dog may require to wear the prosthetic limb for a few hours daily until it adjusts to the feel of something foreign as part of its body.

Once you are confident that the dog’s adjustment to the prosthetic limb feel is reasonable, it can wear it for more hours. In the first few months, you will also need to make a few trips to the veterinarian or prosthetist for assurance that the fit is going on well. If you have a dog still going through its growing phases, you may need new devices fitted or adjustments made to the prosthetic to keep up with the growth.

What Is The Cost Of Dog Prosthetics?

What Is The Cost Of Dog Prosthetics

Professionally fitted prosthetics do not come cheap. Before the prosthetic fitting, the expert takes a casting impression. The casting costs anything between $100 and $150, depending on your prosthetist. However, the casting cost is not the only thing you have to think about because most veterinarians or prosthetists include the cost of the office visits and the complete device quote.

The artificial limb also varies in cost depending on the dog’s size and the prosthetic’s length. Prosthetic devices range from $600 to $3,000. The price variance also depends on whether you need the whole leg prosthetic or just a foot device.

One advantage is that you can choose from a wide selection of prosthetic manufacturers across the country. Each physical therapy visit to the veterinarian or a specialist ranges from $50 to $75.

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Leading Causes of Limb Losses in Dogs and How to Prevent Them

Dogs lose their libs in several different ways. One of the leading causes is car accidents for roaming dogs. Some accidents are preventable, while others are inevitable. To minimize casualties, you should always ensure that your dog is on a leash.

It is also vital to keep it within your sight when you are outside your home. Dogs are playful, and a dot will run across the road, mostly if something attracts its attention.

Another major cause of limb loss is cancer, which is unavoidable because detection comes too late for many dogs. However, with regular exercise, a healthy diet recommended by the veterinarian, your dog could enjoy a fun-filled, healthy life.

Wrapping It Up

Some dogs missing one limb may perform just as well as those with all four limbs, but over time, they may experience more limb injuries than the ones enjoying the use of full limbs. Prosthetics provide the dog with the ability to be as normal as any other dog in movement and mobility. Proper care with regular visits to a specialist or veterinarian for necessary adjustments and the artificial limb viability will ensure your pet enjoys prosthetic longevity and life normalcy.

The post How To Make A Prosthetic Leg For A Dog appeared first on Pets Tutorial.

by Jane Brody via Pets Tutorial

Thứ Bảy, 9 tháng 1, 2021

How Far Can A Dog Run Into The Woods?

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How far can a dog run into the forest is a question that catches many people off guard because they do not know how to answer it correctly. A brainteaser that makes people crack their brains thinking of the right answer, how far a dog can run into the woods, will have people asking many other questions to answer that one question.

Some of the questions people ask after receiving the question includes-What type of dog is running into the woods? How fast is that particular dog? How deep are the woods? Are there any obstacles or trails on the dog’s way? How is the weather?

The question requires going with you know and stop making any assumptions. The most common answer to the riddle is halfway and then run back. However, suppose we are talking about a dog literally running into the woods and not thinking of the question as a riddle or brainteaser. In that case, you should take into consideration a few factors. .

For many years, people have used dogs for hunting in the woods, which makes it possible to have dogs running deep into the woods to scout for game. Dogs trained for hunting can do it easily, while you need to consider the following factors for dogs without any training to run into the woods to catch a game.

How Far Can A Dog Run Into The Woods


Things to Consider In Determining How Far a Dog Can Run Into the Woods

Dog’s Age

A dog’s age plays a large role in determining the ability of its functions. It is easier for a dog in its prime to engage in more strenuous activities such as running deep into the woods without too much stress than it is for senior dogs to do the same. Also, dogs in their infancy do not have the same vigor as dogs in their prime.

Dog’s Size

A small-sized dog running into the woods might become an easy target for bigger animals. However, a larger dog will be in a better position to defend itself successfully against other animals.

Safety in the Woods

When they sense danger, most dogs can fend for themselves. However, this does not mean that you should expose your dog to any danger. If you are to send the dog into the woods, you should first make sure you know the kind of hazards you are exposing it to, such as predators and hunters with rifles. You will also need to be mindful of your dog becoming a victim of the barrel of the gun of a hunter.

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Safety Tips to Take Before Taking Your Dog Running Into the Woods

how far can a dog run into the woods

Your safety and that of the dog is paramount before taking your dog running into the woods. Some of the measures to take are as follows-

Good State of Health

Ensure that your dog’s health is top-notch before taking it into the woods. You can do this by paying a visit to the vet for any possible red flags that would deter a visit to the woods. Even if your instinct tells you that your dog is healthy enough for the woods, you should still take it through a checkup.

Do Not Force the Dog

Go slow with your dog by not forcing it to do too much too soon or in the shortest time –possible. Pushing the dog to accomplish more than it can handle may expose it to risks that include health and exhaustion. If the dog’s body language indicates that it is not ready for the run, abort the mission.


A little warm-up such as jogging or walking before the run will help relax the dog’s muscles and protect against injuries.

Be the Guide

Do not allow the dog to pull you during the run. Before the run, you should ensure the dog has enough training to do what you want and not what it wants.


Make sure you carry water along with you to keep the dog hydrated throughout the run


Once the dog accomplishes the running mission, reward it with a treat for motivation.

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Wrapping It Up

You have to note that some dogs can handle the woods and harsh terrain better than others can. Some of those best suited for such events include German Shepherds, border collies, and black Labradors. If you decide to take any other dog type, ensure that the woods are dog friendly and the run will not cause any injuries or risks. Start by learning your dog’s capacity before taking the next step.

The post How Far Can A Dog Run Into The Woods? appeared first on Pets Tutorial.

by Jane Brody via Pets Tutorial

How Much Exercise Does A Dog Need Everyday

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When it comes to dogs, exercise helps to boost their health and it also has a significant effect on the dog’s behavior. Dogs particularly young dogs and puppies have lots of energy and they can develop destructive behavior if they are not given a chance to burn this energy off. Your dog may not be getting enough exercise if they keep digging holes on the ground, bark excessively, or keep destroying your things, for instance shredding pillows into fluff.

You should never give up on your dog because extreme behavioral problems are preventable. Keep in mind that some dog breeds will need more exercise every day compared to others. This is why you should choose a dog breed that you can handle when it comes to exercising. This article will shed more light about the amount of exercise your canine requires daily.

How Much Exercise Does A Dog Need Everyday

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How Much Exercise Do Dogs Need?

The exercise requirements for dogs will vary based on their age, health condition, and breed. For example, little puppies will need more exercises compared to adult dogs because their energy levels are higher. Sporting breeds will enjoy hunting throughout the day while guarding dogs do not need much exercise. Keep in mind that the need for exercise will still vary even within a specified dog breed.

Walking with your canine around the block does not equal exercise. Most dogs need about 30 to 60 minutes of physical activity daily. Your pet requires enough workout such that they are slowed down the moment you stop.

Guidelines For Getting Enough Exercise For Your Dog

Dog owners must always remember that active breeds will require not less than 30 minutes of challenging aerobic exercises daily or most days of the week. Additionally, not all small or toy breeds get adequate exercise inside the home and may require exercises outdoors. For instance, pugs are susceptible to obesity and they require more activity than what they usually get.

Your canine requires exercise regardless of the prevailing weather conditions. However, during extremely cold or hot days, you can stay with your pet inside the house and teach them some tricks that will engage their mind, for instance, running up and down the stairs with your pet or throwing toys.

Good exercise for dogs is one that utilizes both physical and mental muscles. For example, exploring an unfamiliar hiking trail with your dog will engage the dog’s body as well as its mind. When it comes to exercising your canine pet, always remember that a tired dog is always a good dog.

The Disadvantages of Not getting Adequate Exercise

How Much Exercise Does A Dog Need Everyday

Inactive canines tend to be overweight and just like in human beings, this can be associated with several health risks. Obesity mainly increases the risks of a dog to develop heart disease, respiratory disease, and diabetes. It also worsens common orthopedic problems like arthritis and hip dysplasia. Furthermore, obesity can also stress the ligaments, tendons, and joints.

Geriatric dogs will also have challenges getting up because of the additional problem of having to lift excess pounds. To prevent all these challenges and health risks in dogs, it is important to provide them with adequate exercise every day.

Where Can Dogs Get Exercise?

Where Can Dogs Get Exercise

Just like humans, most dogs enjoy a little variety and familiarity in their exercise routines. Most dogs get a view of their neighborhood when going for walks and they will enjoy seeing their favorite spots. Canines can also be taken to dog parks where they can enjoy romping or off-leash running with other dogs. However, you should always remember that not every dog can play comfortably and safely with other pets.

If your canine does not play well with other dogs, you should avoid taking him to dog parks. You can also take your canine to doggy daycare to help stimulate their body and mind. Your dog will come out of the daycare feeling delectably happy and worn out.

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As you can see, exercise is an important part of any healthy dog, regardless of the breed. Most dogs need to exercise for 30 minutes to 2 hours every day and dog owners should determine the pace and duration of their dogs’ exercise regimen. Additionally, the time of day is also important because most dogs require several exercise sessions during the day.

Giving your dog more exercise will make a whole difference in their health and quality of life. If you do not have time to exercise your dog, there are professionals who can help you out. They will take your dog for a short or long walk and even full hiking adventures while you concentrate on your work. Give your canine pet adequate exercise to maintain a healthy and strong body.

The post How Much Exercise Does A Dog Need Everyday appeared first on Pets Tutorial.

by Jane Brody via Pets Tutorial

How Much Sperms Does a Dog Produce?

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If you are into dog breeding, knowing how much sperm cells dogs produce is a crucial component. When you know the number of sperm cells that dogs produce, you can become a better breeder and always know when there is a problem. As a result, breeders can verify the quality of the semen their studs produce. Superior quality dog semen can be frozen or chilled for later use or selling.

When breeders know the amount of sperms a dog produces, they can evaluate the breeding soundless of their studs and identify infertile and subfertile dogs. In some cases, the American Kennel Club (AKC) can request for a sperm count report. When older or younger studs are used in breeding, the AKC will request for documentation and this includes semen evaluation reports that prove the ability of the stud to sire.

How Much Sperms Does a Dog Produc

How Much Sperms Does a Normal Dog Produce?

Normal dogs produce semen that ranges from 1 to 30ml per ejaculate and this contains about 300 million to 2 billion sperms. The quantity of sperms cells produced will vary depending on the size and weight of the dog and you can expect about 10 million sperm cells for every pound of bodyweight. Sperm count also depends on the testicular size of the dog, but most normal canines exceed the minimum sperm count significantly.

If the sperm count is low, then it may be because of a primary problem affecting the production of sperms or the dog may withhold the release of sperms because of an aggressive bitch. However, if your dog has a high libido and appears comfortable, and still has a low sperm count, then it is likely that there is a problem with the sperm cells production process. Keep in mind that volume does not indicate semen quality and the concentration of sperms in the ejaculate must be measured to determine quality.

Dog semen is usually produced in three fractions. The first fraction is normally small in volume at about 5 ml and it helps to eliminate any contaminants from the urethra before the actual ejaculation. The second fraction is mainly rich in sperm and has a volume of 0.5 to 4ml. The third fraction consists of a few sperm cells and prostatic fluid and has more volume of between 3 and 80ml.

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Can Dog Sperms Be Stored?

How Much Sperms Does a Dog Product

With technological advances, dog sperms can now be stored. The ability to store dog sperms enables breeders to carry out breeding processes with success. Most breeders use transcervical and vaginal insemination and they can breed their female dogs using semen from dogs around the world. This helps to reduce the traveling costs for breeders and also lower the stress levels for the dogs.

Storing dog semen is a perfect way of preserving the bloodline for use in the future, especially when the stud is to be neutered. The breeding processes can still continue even when the dog has a busy schedule or cannot perform any work because of injuries or temporary illness.

Storage of Dog Sperms

Collected dog semen samples are extended using a buffer solution to help protect the sperm cells during freezing. A sperm count is carried out and the sample is diluted further to create a uniform concentration. The diluted samples are then divided into different straws based on the initial sperm count. The straws are then stored in liquid nitrogen at -196 degrees Celsius.

After cooling and freezing one straw will be thawed to examine the sperms for motility. The average post-thaw motility rate is usually 40 to 60%, and this means that 40 to 60% of the dog sperm cells will survive the thawing process. This data is crucial as it will also determine the amount of semen that you will require for insemination.

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Can Dog Sperm Be Sold?

Yes, dog sperms can be sold and stud dogs are advertised online for their frozen or chilled sperms and one-on-one mating services. The cost of sperms will vary depending on the pedigree and heritage of the stud. Some breeders will even charge you a handling fee if they have to assist with the mating or insemination process.  Chilled or frozen semen can be dispatched using specialized kits that are commercially available, for example, the CLONE hilled Semen Kit.

If you opt to sell your dog’s sperms, you should consider the ethics of doing that. You should also have your dog tested for any inherited disorders that affect the breed and perform general DNA testing. Additionally, should not collect too much sperm from the dog, as it can reduce the dog’s sperm count and affect the quality of semen.


Different factors can determine the fertility of an individual dog at a specific point in his life. Low sperm numbers in dogs can be caused by recent testicular insult, frequent breeding, and obstructions like tumors. If you are a dog breeder, you should talk to a veterinarian to help your dog if it has fertility issues or is producing low levels of sperms.  Your veterinarian will carry out a fertility examination to determine the cause of the low quality sperm production.

The post How Much Sperms Does a Dog Produce? appeared first on Pets Tutorial.

by Jane Brody via Pets Tutorial