Chủ Nhật, 25 tháng 10, 2020

Why Does My Dog Wink At Me

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Dogs and their owners do not need words to communicate, as they understand each other correctly. The human may uses words and gestures to put a message or a command across to the dog, and it responds in a manner to suggest that it understands, especially during training.

On the other hand, the dog may use some expressions and physical movements to pass a message across that the owner understands immediately. If a dog wants to go out to play, it will probably run to the door, start scratching it with their claws, lift a leg, wag the tail, and many other gestures.

They also have gestures for when they feel hungry or feel thirsty. All these gestures and physical movements are easy to catch up and interpret by the dog owners. However, other physical dog movements and gestures may take a while to crack. One of those movements or gestures is the dog winking at you.

Why Does My Dog Wink At Me

The dog winking is one of the most adorable things you will see in your pet. It is so exciting that some dog owners wish they can record the moments. Some of the dog owners do not have any explanation as to why their dog winks at them. However, they suspect that the dog is being cheeky, trying to communicate something, or just being a dog.

The most common assumption is that the wink is actually an involuntary blink to moisten the eye lenses to rid it of foreign substances. While it is okay to assume all these things, there are reasons why your dog winks at you.

So, Why Do Dogs Wink?


There are several reasons why a dog winks at you. I tend to think that when my dog winks at me with one eye, it is telling me, “I love you.” Sometimes when I want it to go out and play, it stares back at me and gives me the adorable wink, which I translate to mean, “NO, I am cool with just staying indoors”.

A winking dog is something, which is very hard to ignore even though some of the winks go unnoticed. Different dog owners interpret the dog wink differently. Here are some of the reasons your dog winks at you.

As A Way Of Making Eye Contact

Even if you are not wrong to assume that dogs wink because they feel cute and want to be cheeky, it is not the reason. Dogs and humans have different ways of utilizing their facial expressions. Eye contact between humans is a sign of engagement and respect. On the other hand, if a dog stares at you and holds the gaze, it could be a sign of aggression.

The same charge is evident in eye contact between two dogs, especially when they do not like each other. They look at each other as if they are testing their dominance. If none of the two dogs breaks the stare, they get into a fight. However, eye contact between a dog and its owner is not a sign of aggression, but it could also mean many different things.

A dog submitting to its owner will make eye contact. A dog waiting for instructions will make eye contact. A dog that wants or needs love from the owner may make eye contact. The possibilities are many. Sometimes the eye contact lasts for a short time and that when they wink. The wink is the dog’s way of breaking eye contact.

If you look at your dog closely during the wink, you will notice that it briefly looks down before staring back at you or shifting the gaze to something else in the room.

Imitating Humans

Dogs like to mimic their owners and the people they live with. Some of the little things they imitate are running when you run, sleeping when you lie on your bed to sleep, sitting next to you when you want to relax, and anything else they can pick around them. Winking could also be an act of imitating what you do.

If you wink at your dog often, it repeats the same action as a way of saying it sees you and everything you do. Imitating you is a good thing because it makes it easier to train the dog, especially if it is in its puppy stage.

A dog considers you as the role model, and it will follow everything you do. If you have more than one dog, the winking phenomenon is even more noticeable and adorable.

Show of Happiness

When a dog winks at you, it could be an indication that it is happy. A happy dog will make several winks and even wink back after you. Winking could also be an indication that the dog wants to have fun. Only a happy dog would want to play.

When a dog is not winking but giving you the cold gaze that it holds for a while without eye movements, it could mean aggression. You will notice aggression on the dog’s face evident signs of anxiety, uncertainty, and tension. When the dog looks at you and does not hold the gaze for long, it is a sign of submission.

Possible Health complications


The other explanation of why the dog winks at you is probably one you would not want to read about, but it is possible. A winking dog could be suffering from some medical issues. The potential medical condition is entropion, which affects the optical nerves.

Entropion is not new to dog breeds, and many of the breeds suffer from the situation. The medical condition is a genetic disorder that causes repeated blinks in canines. The most affected dog breeds are those with squishy faces and short muzzles.

Entropion causes involuntary winking with the eyelids flipping towards the eyes of the dog. The condition causes pain and suffering, which is why the dogs repeatedly wink to alleviate the discomfort. If left untreated, entropion causes serious vision difficulties.

Training Your Dog to Wink

A wink from the dog is exciting and something we wish we could see more often. If you want to enjoy more of those winks, you could train your dog to wink. Once you do, you will not have to worry about the wink being a sign of something wrong with the dog.

You can use behavioral training to teach your dog how to wink. Behavioral training requires following a routine that imparts new behaviors in your dog. Break the training program into several milestones that you are sure your dog will achieve.

One of the things you can be confident of when carrying out the behavioral training is that your dog will go along with you because dogs will go to any lengths to please their owners, making the whole work cut out for you. It even gets easier because, in the dog’s language, a wink is a sign of submission.

How To Do Behavioral Wink Training On Your Dog Effectively

  1. Ensure that your dog has your undivided attention by putting it in a room where you and the pet are the only occupants. The room should have no distractions such as sounds, other pets, toys, and kids.
  2. Start the first day of training by winking at your dog. Do not worry if the dog does not wink back at you since it is just the beginning. To make it easier for the dog to imitate the wink, initiate a command that your dog can connect with the wink.
  3. You will notice that the dog will try to make sense of the new behavior you are teaching. You could still make it easier by spelling out flirt and wink as you wink at the dog.
  4. As you continue with the training, you will notice the dog winking back naturally. Once you get to this stage, show some positivity by rewarding the dog with a treat each time it winks back at you.
  5. The treat you give your dog should not be anything new but something that you reward your pet after behaving well. The reason for the treat is to motivate the dog, and eventually, your dog will be winking at you without any motivation.
  6. The best time to start behavioral training is when your pet is still a puppy, as it is easier to train than an adult dog. The pup will grow up winking at you each time it wants to express something to you.

Wrapping It Up

Winking comes naturally for humans, and it denotes several emotions. When a dog winks, many of us do not know how to interpret the action, so different people interpret the wink differently. We cannot ignore the wink as just the dog being cheeky or trying to look cute because it could be anything, which includes an underlying health condition.

You should not shy away from training your dog to wink if it does not already. If it imitates your wink, give it a treat. If your dog winks at you, wink back.

The post Why Does My Dog Wink At Me appeared first on Pets Tutorial.

by Jane Brody via Pets Tutorial

Where Can I Take My Dog Swimming

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Swimming is therapeutic, and an excellent exercise for dogs just as it is for humans, yet many dog owners prefer running and walking to swimming for their dogs. Even though swimming for dogs is yet to catch up with many dog owners, it comes with numerous benefits.

Swimming helps keep the dogs in great shape, and it is especially advantageous for dogs healing from injuries. Walking a dog with an injury is not as easy as you would wish it to be, as you have to wait until it heals completely.

However, you can introduce a dog recovering from swimming injuries, as the exercise does not strain the muscles as much as walking or running. Besides swimming for therapeutical reasons, you would also want your dog to cool off and have fun, especially during the hot weather.

If you are one of the dog owners asking the question, where can I take my dog swimming, we have the perfect answer for you.

Where Can I Take My Dog Swimming

Where to Take Your Dog Swimming

Before you start searching for places to take your dog swimming, you must remember that not every dog breed has the body for swimming. Some dog breeds such as dachshunds and bulldogs have bulky bodies and should have a life jacket when swimming. Other breeds such as spaniels and retrievers are naturals in water.

Some breeds will not go anywhere near the water, no matter how hard you try to persuade them. You should know your breed well, meet all the safety and water health tips, and respect your dog’s preferences. With that said, let us go straight to where you can take your dog swimming near you.

1. Backyard Pool

Backyard Pool for dogs

If you stay in an area that does not have any swimming spots for pets, you can install a backyard pool for your dog. Though the idea of installing a dog pool in the backyard may come as a surprise go some dog owners, you can find one in pet stores or buy online.

If you cannot find a pool specifically built for the dog, you can purchase a kid’s swimming pool, and your dog can swim in it with ease. You have to remember that pools are not a one fits all, and they come in different rates, shapes, and sizes.

The advantage of having a backyard pool for your dogs is that they can cool off whenever the weather gets hot or when you need them to have fun splashing water around. You can even make it more exciting for the dogs by adding water sprinklers to the experience. Another advantage is that the pools are shallow and safe for your dog.

2. Local Dog Park Pools

Local Dog Park Pools

Another great place to take your dog swimming would be in your local dog park. If you are lucky to find a local dog park with water features, then your dog is in for an even better treat. If you do not know whether your local area has a local dog park, you can call the department of parks and recreation in your area to make inquiries.

One example of a local dog park with water features is the Atlanta Dog Works, a fifteen-acre park that offers boarding, training, and a large pool that your pet can swim in.

3. Local Public Pools

Local Public Pools for dogs

If for some reason or the other, you cannot install a swimming pool in your backyard or find any dog park in your area, you can opt to take your dog swimming in any of the public swimming pools in your locality. Due to public health regulations, not all public pools allow dogs in their swimming pools.

However, you may be lucky to find those that allow dogs and their owners to enjoy end-of-season swimming sessions. Public swimming pools that allow dogs and their owners are becoming popular in many states and channeling fees collected to pet-related charities and animal shelters.

If you do not know where to find the public pools that offer these services, you can always check with your local or county department of parks and recreation for information.

4. Public Local Beach

Public Local Beach for dogs

If nothing else works and you still want to take your dog swimming, you could try your local beach. The unfortunate thing is that many public beaches do not allow dogs’ presence, and if you go with one, you may end up paying a fine. However, some public beaches encourage families to go to the beach with their dogs.

Do your research thoroughly to avoid any disappointments and once you find one, ensure to abide by all the rules and clean up after your dog. Cleaning after the dog shows that you are considerate of all the other people enjoying the same facilities as you are.

Carry poop bags, and ensure you pack some treats for your pup. As long as you respect the set rules, you and your dog can enjoy the water and beach play for as long as you want.

How Safe Is It For The Dog To Swim In The Ocean?

One of the worries dog owners have when it comes to swimming in the ocean is how safe it is. Swimming in a pool in the backyard is comfortable because it is shallow, and monitoring the dog is easy. However, the ocean is deeper, and there are things kike waves and riptides to deal with.

The best safety measure to take is arming your dog with a dog life jacket each time it steps into the ocean. Supervising the dog by being close and swimming alongside it is another way to ensure its safety.

Ensure that the dog does not swim too off the shore, and it does not drink saltwater that comes with dehydrating effects. Make sure to carry fresh water for your dog just in case it feels thirsty. You can buy a collapsible water bowl from Amazon for convenience.

Advantages of Encouraging Your Dog to Swim

Advantages of Encouraging Your Dog to Swim

As we mentioned earlier, many dog owners prefer walking their dogs or allowing them to run around as the best form of exercise. However, just as walking or running is good for the dog, swimming as it provides the perfect aerobic exercise for your pet. The following are the advantages of taking your dog for a swim.

Improves the Overall dog’s Health

If you allow your dog to swim for just one minute, it is the same as allowing it to run for four minutes. Swimming provides the dog with various health benefits that include an increase in metabolism, strengthening the lungs and the heart, improving circulation, keeping the coat and skin healthy, and decreasing inflammation.

Swimming also helps to tone and strengthen the muscles. If your dog enjoys overall good health, it will be happier and have fewer injury risks.

Relieves stress

One of the reasons humans love swimming is because it helps to improve mental stimulation. The same reason works well too for the dog. Swimming does great things to the dog’s mental health as it does to its physical health.

Even though the dogs can get their mental stimulation from playing and other activities, swimming allows them to have more freedom to have fun without a leash. Not restraining provides the dog with the freedom to release any pent-up energy with ease, thus relieving stress. Stress relief makes the dog rest happily and sleeps better.

Helps to fight obesity

Overweight in dogs is a huge problem that makes dogs prone to many health issues. Taking an obese dog through an exercise routine is difficult because you will overwork joints and muscles already stressed by the extra weight. When a dog is swimming, the water supports the dog’s weight without putting any strain on the joints and muscles.

Swimming is, therefore, one of the best ways to burn off extra calories in obese dogs and improve their metabolism and circulation without any risk of injuries. Remember to include a balanced and healthy diet to go with the swimming routines for better health and weight.

Relieves pain

If you want the best therapeutic exercise for your dog, you should take it swimming in warm water. Warm water strengthens the joints, improves the recovery process, facilitates blood circulation, and helps with muscle fortification.

Warm water helps relieve pain and warm up the muscles much faster, which reduces the possibilities of further injuries. If you live in an area that does not enjoy a warm climate, check if the local dog rehabilitation centers offer heated pool facilities for dogs recovering from injuries and other health issues.

Supports the joints

Some of the most common health issues many dog breeds go through are tendon and joint disorders. Some of the most common conditions are arthritis of the knees, hips, elbows, shoulders, and dysplasia.

The breeds with these problems require muscular exercise to strengthen the structures surrounding the joints and tendons. Swimming is the best option, as it does not stress the joints and muscles.

Cooling and fun

Swimming helps to cool the dogs, especially during the hot weather. Routine exercise overheats the dog’s body quickly, disallowing them to exercise for long. On the other hand, swimming allows them to exercise for longer because of the natural body heat dissipation. Besides cooling the body, dogs enjoy being in the water. You could even have a hard time getting them out.

Wrapping It Up

Hanging around the beach is a fun thing to do with your favorite pet. It even gets better if you can go for a splash with your dog and a few water games together. It is just as much fun for the dog as it is for you. Besides the fun and cooling off, swimming also does great things for the dog’s overall health.

If you cannot go to the beach or a public pool, you could purchase a dog-friendly pool and install it in the backyard so the pet can have a splash any time you think it is suitable for a splash. In everything you do, you should remember to take the safety of the dog first.

The post Where Can I Take My Dog Swimming appeared first on Pets Tutorial.

by Jane Brody via Pets Tutorial

What Happens If A Dog Is Vaccinated Twice?

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Dogs, just like humans, are prone to get affected by diseases throughout their lifetime. In fact, dogs are more susceptible to infections owing to their difference in eating habits, lifestyle, sniffing tendencies, and incapability to make hygienic choices. As a dog owner, you will be worried about your pet getting diseases and will have to employ all the necessary preventive measures available.

Since all diseases cannot be cured by medicines, some canine infections can be prevented through vaccinations. Although immunizing your dog against viral infections is important, over-vaccination is fatal.

To keep your dog safe and healthy, you should get all information regarding dog vaccinations.

What Transpires When A Dog Is Vaccinated Twice?


The American Animal Hospital Association (AAHA) reviewed its dog vaccination guidelines in 2003. Currently, they recommend veterinarians to vaccinate canines at least once every three years. After this decision was made, many vets are restricting their immunization period to once after every three years and with a compulsory annual examinations.

The main reason for avoiding frequent vaccination of dogs is because most inoculations are unnecessary. Therefore, you should not be easily convinced by vaccine providers that offer cheap annual vaccines. This is because inappropriate immunizations can be more harmful compared to actual medicines.

What if my canine gets vaccinated twice?

If you have vaccinated your furred friend twice under this period, you should not worry. The preventative effects of the vaccine will surpass any side effects. However, you should carefully observe your pet in such cases. Most adult dogs can tolerate frequent vaccination. However, smaller dog breeds like Yorkies and Chihuahua may have adverse side effects because their immune system becomes overloaded. Every pet owner should know the side effects caused by vaccination.

What are the Adverse Effects of Vaccinations on Canines?

Frequent vaccinations in dogs can trigger low to mild side effects. Although vaccines are beneficial, pet owners should monitor their dogs after injection. This helps to detect any problems that are caused by vaccination. Some of the common side effects that dogs experience after vaccination include:

  • Fever
  • Drowsiness
  • Vomiting
  • Swelling
  • Pain at the injection point
  • Breathing problems
  • Mild Seizures

Most of these common side effects are mild and will subside with time. However, if symptoms last longer than expected, you should consult your vet.

Why are Dog Vaccines Important?

Why are Dog Vaccines Important

Bacteria and virus cause adverse effects and infections in your dog’s body because is not invulnerable to them. If the dog’s body is attacked by viruses or other disease-causing pathogens, it will make it very ill owing to the lack of antibodies to help fight off disease and the sudden shock that the body system experiences. Vaccines help to boost the immune system of your canine enabling it to produce antibodies that help fight any diseases that may occur in the future.

Vaccines help to develop antibodies that will remain in the dog’s body and recognize the specific virus. Vaccines are made up of antigens that trigger mild disease in the body by emulating the disease organism. In defense, the canine’s body will start producing antibodies after identifying the pathogens i.e. antigens. The immune system of your dog will then become ready to fight off the disease organisms whenever they invade the body in the future.

The Different Kinds of Vaccines for Dogs

Before taking your dog for vaccinations, every pet owner should consider the local and countrywide laws. Some dog vaccinations are mandatory because they protect against life-threatening global diseases and are known as core vaccinations. Core vaccinations are mandatory for every canine in the world. Additionally, some vaccines are not compulsory but are specific to areas where the disease is prominent and these are known as non-core vaccinations.

Core Vaccines for Dogs

Core vaccines protect dogs from globally distributed diseases that can cause severe illness or death. Dogs should start receiving their core vaccines while they are still puppies. This is a series of three vaccines administered between 8 to 16 weeks of age. They include:

  • Canine parvovirus 2 (CPV-2)
  • Canine distemper (CDV)
  • Canine adenovirus 2 (CAV)

These core vaccines are then administered one year later and after every three years. However, the frequency of immunization can change if antibody titer test results show that the dog has protective antibody levels.

Another core vaccine is the rabies vaccine, which is administered once between 12 and 16 weeks. The second booster dose is given after a year and then after every three years. However, some local laws require dogs to get rabies vaccination more frequently than the standard three-year interval. Other core vaccines include:

Non-Core Vaccinations

There are countless non-core vaccinations such as Leptospirosis, Burgdorferi, and Bordetella bronchiseptica. These immunizations are not compulsory and offer protection against local viruses.  Your veterinarian will suggest the non-core vaccinations that your dog needs depending on the locality you live in.

Having a detailed discussion with the vet will determine the type of non-core vaccinations your dog needs. Epidemics or the occurrence of diseases and the environment your dog lives in will determine the type of immunizations needed. The interaction of the canine with other dogs or animals will also determine his susceptibility to specific diseases.

Your dog can get vaccinations against diseases like Lyme disease, Leptospirosis, canine influenza, Bordetella, and Parainfluenza. The AAHA no longer recommends vaccines like Giardia and Canine Coronavirus. You should consult your vet if Canine Coronavirus is currently spreading in your area.

How Often Should Dogs Get Immunizations?

How Often Should Dogs Get Immunizations

In dogs, immunization schedules vary based on the type of vaccine being administered, local laws, lifestyle, health condition, and age. If proper immunization series is administered, core vaccines can trigger immunity that lasts for many years.

Generally, puppies receive their core vaccines from about 6 to 8 weeks after birth. They are boostered after every 3 to 4 weeks until about 16 to 20 weeks. Dogs are then boostered again after a year and later on, they are immunized after every three years.

The frequency of rabies vaccinations depend on the local and state laws. The first rabies vaccination for dogs is usually at 12 weeks. Subsequently, the dog gets a booster vaccine after one year. Subsequent booster intervals for rabies are determined by the kind of vaccine used and the local and state ordinances.

For non-core vaccines, the intervals are usually one year. However, some vaccines such as Bordetella have shorter intervals because of the increased exposure risks and the probability of the protection level not lasting an entire year. Pet owners should work with their veterinarian to develop a custom vaccine schedule that suits the individual needs of your pet.

How can Pet Owners Avoid Over-Vaccinating Their Dogs?

How can Pet Owners Avoid Over-Vaccinating Their Dogs

Vaccines are beneficial, especially when administered in the right manner and purpose. Dog owners must know what vaccines should be administered to their pets and at what time. This is important because dogs can over-vaccinated knowingly and unknowingly and pet owners should advocate for the interests of their canines. To avoid over-vaccinating your dog, you need to do the following:

Be Equipped with the Vaccination History of your Dog

Even though the AAHA’s recommendation is credible, it does not mean that your dog should be vaccinated only after every three years. You need to take your canine for regular checkups by making annual appointments with the veterinarian. This will ensure that he/she develops an in-depth understanding of your dog’s health. Routine checkups will ensure that your vet takes note of any subtle changes that go on in the dog’s body and assess their risk of diseases.

Every pet owner should keep a vaccination history of their dog so that they can know the intervals between immunizations and the amounts ideal for him. You can only reject the vet’s advice for annual vaccinations if you have a genuine copy of your canine’s health records. The best thing is to have written records that indicate heartworm test, urinalysis tests, antibody test results, and immunization schedules including their dates.

Know What you Want

Every pet owner should know the best vaccines for their dog. This can only happen if you know the purpose and schedule of every vaccine. If you are not sure of the available dog vaccinations, you can confirm with your veterinarian. Be sure to also ask about the vaccines that are warranted to prevent the conditions that dogs in your locality are susceptible to.

Seek More Knowledge

Pet owners should seek more knowledge about vaccines so that they do not feel dumb while conversing with their vet. Being informed will help you know the pros and cons of immunizing your dog and will help you make better decisions. Check out pet websites and blogs to get loads of information on immunizations schedules and their benefits.

Keep Tabs of your Canine’s Health

You should be informed about the health status of your dog at all times. This will help you note any behavioral changes or physical changes that may indicate they have health issues. Before going to the vet, every pet owner should know their dog inside out to ensure proper vaccination and treatment. This will help to avoid any unnecessary vaccinations.

Know the Cost of Vaccines Beforehand

You should know what a visit to your veterinarian will cost. This will help you avoid any surprises or situations where you are forced to make decisions based on the strengths of your pockets. The health of your canine is your first priority and this cannot be compromised for money.

Never Accept Vaccine Recommendations Blindly

If you are not comfortable with what the veterinarian is saying, you should never be scared to take your canine home. With vaccinations, you should not make your decisions in a hurry. If you feel the recommended vaccination is not compulsory based on your research, you can simply say no and take your pet home. Be sure to seek a second opinion to help you make a solid and more informed choice.

Be Prepared When Consulting A New Vet

If you are taking your dog for their first vaccination or consulting a new veterinarian, you should first meet the vet personally. This will help you know how he/she handles the immunization process and his/her philosophy.

Make the Right Vaccination Decisions for Your Dog

When it comes to decisions regarding vaccinations every pet owner has an upper hand. When taking your canine for annual examinations, keep in mind that you have the power to make decisions for your pet. Most vets will assume that you are there for vaccinations and they will recommend annual immunizations for your pet. You need to be the best advocate for your dog by educating yourself about different tests and vaccines to know those that are beneficial to him and those that are not. You should also check the local laws regarding how frequent vaccines like rabies should be administered.

By educating yourself, you can easily convince the veterinarian to do the right thing for your pet. Most pet owners who have an in-depth understanding of dog vaccinations and have built successful relationships with their vet end up making better decisions for their furred animals. With the right information, you can choose immunization for your dog based on the tests needed, vaccination history, and immunization intervals. You can also decline the vet’s recommendation to administer all types of vaccinations to your dog in one go.

In a Wrap

Your dog deserves the best regardless of the cost involved. However, in your pursuit to guarantee the health and life of your pet, do not be overzealous that you end up vaccinating him/her twice. The consequences of such an action may seem minimal, but it can leave behind negative effects that may affect your dog for a lifetime. It is advisable to always keep proper records of your dog’s health history and vaccination schedules.

It is entirely your choice as a pet owner to choose to adhere to the current vaccine recommendations, take a holistic approach, or go for optimally-timed titer testing or vaccines. We all desire to do what is best for our furred friends and have to follow whatever our minds and hearts tell us. Regardless of the choice you make, ensure that your canine gets the vaccines that he needs to keep his/her immune system in perfect shape. This will protect him from infections, keep him healthy and cheerful for years to come.

The post What Happens If A Dog Is Vaccinated Twice? appeared first on Pets Tutorial.

by Jane Brody via Pets Tutorial

How Long After Applying K9 Advantix Can I Touch My Dog?

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Ticks and fleas are not just a nuisance for dogs, but they can make him sick, especially if they linger on the skin. Furthermore, fleas can also infest the home, and ticks will spread diseases to humans. This is why every responsible pet owner should take the necessary monthly preventative measures against tick and flea all-year-round.

K9 Advantix is a widely used product that repels and kills fleas and ticks in dogs. By learning how to properly use and apply K9 Advantix, you and your dog will reap the best results in preventing and controlling tick and flea. With the love that you have for your pet, you may wonder how long you can touch your canine after applying the K9 Advantix. After all, you should avoid touching this chemical since it is powerful enough to repel and kill fleas and ticks.

Let’s look at K9 Advantix and how you can handle this product for effective results.

After How Long Can You Touch Your Dog After Applying K9 Advantix?

How Long Can You Touch Your Dog After Applying K9 Advantix

Applying K9 Avantix is just like using other similar products, which is a normal thing in the care of your canine. However, most dog owners will feel frustrated when restricted to touch or even play with their dog. You may also have to postpone other forms of care, for example, giving them a bath or other needs. Advantix should be applied after bathing your dog and the coat has completely dried.

The impact of K9 Avantix remains for about 48 hours. This means that the earliest you can touch your furred friend is 48 hours or 2 days after applying K9 Advantix. Ideally, most manufacturers of topical flea and tick products like K9 Advantix recommend you wait for the product to dry before you touch your dog.

Why You Should Protect Your Pet from Fleas and Ticks

Ticks transmits diseases like Lyme disease or Rocky Mountain Spotted Fever. This is why we need to keep ticks away from our dogs. However, fleas are the worst type of pests that you would wish to infest your pets. Some pets are allergic to fleas and their bites can create a new set of skin-related issues.

Fleas can stay for over 100 days without feeding and this means they can stay in your home for a long time as they look for a host. When fleas eventually feed, they can itch and pinch both pets and humans. A severe infestation of fleas can cause anemia and this can trigger serious medical problems like organ failure. In some cases, dogs can ingested infested flea resulting in a serious medical condition known as heartworm and this is why heartworm medication should be administered.

What is K9 Advantix?

What is K9 Advantix

K9 Advantix is one of the commonly used topical medications for controlling ticks, fleas, and mosquitoes on dogs. The best thing about K9 Advantix is that it remains effective even after bathing and washing. Additionally, K9 Advantix will not just kill immature and mature fleas and ticks, but will also repel these pests and prevent them from biting.

K9 Advantix breaks the life cycle of fleas by killing all forms of life i.e. eggs, larvae, pupae, and adults. This prevents any new infestations on your dog. Additionally, K9 Advantix also protectsf against mosquitoes that spread heartworm disease.

To be effective, K9 Advantix takes about 12 hours. Once it’s effective, it will eliminate all the fleas on your canine. Afterward, your dog will have protection for 30 days and any new fleas that gets to your dog from beddings or floors die within two hours of being in contact with your dog. K9 Advantix should be applied on your canine after every four weeks as this is the specified duration of strength for this topical application.

What Are The Common Adverse Effects of K9 Avantix on Dogs?

K9 Advantix Allergies in Dogs

When using K9 Advantix, you must ensure that your dog does not suffer any reaction. You should monitor your pet for a few hours after applying this topical product to make sure the dog does not develop adverse reactions or sensitivity. Ideally, K9 Avantix should be applied when you are during the day when you are home and can keep a close eye on your pet.

Avoid throwing away the packaging after applying this topical product. This is because you will need the information about the manufacture and ingredients in case your dog suffers a bad reaction. Some of the side effects that you should look out for are:

  • Vomiting
  • Stumbling
  • Poor appetite
  • Diarrhea
  • Lethargy
  • Itching or burning sensation at the point of application
  • Digestive upset
  • Seizures
  • Foaming at the mouth or Drooling

How is the K9 Advantix Applied?

K9 Advantix is a topical solution that should be applied along the dog’s spine. Part the hair at the application points and then gently squeeze the Advantix solution onto the skin. Be cautious enough to avoid any excess drippage. Be sure to apply in 2 or 3 uniformly distributed locations between the shoulder blades and tail base and give the solution at least an hour to dry completely.

Some dogs may experience an itching or burning sensation in the area of application and this goes away after a few days. Ensure that you keep away cats from dogs that are using K9 Advantix, for at least 24 hours after application. This medication can make cats sick because they are unable to metabolize the main ingredients in it.

What Are the Common Misconceptions Regarding Topical Flea and Tick Treatments

Some pet owners complain that oral and topical tick and flea treatments are ineffective against the elimination of fleas on dogs and homes. However, both product manufacturers and veterinarians agree that most times people are not applying products correctly or have higher expectations of these products.

Getting rid of fleas from your home takes months. This is why scheduled and regular topical application is necessary. Fleas have a very short reproduction cycle that makes it difficult to eliminate them easily. This makes it necessary to have your dogs vaccinated monthly with K9 Advantix to ensure they have protection 30 days of protection against fleas, ticks, and mosquitoes.

If you are not sure about what products to use or where to purchase, your veterinarian can help you out. Vets have worked with pets and will recommend the best products based on the medical history of your pet. Veterinarians can also come in handy if your dog reacts adversely to K9 Advantix as they can recommend oral or other topical products. You will avoid counterfeit products that do not produce results or may cause severe skin irritation on your dog.

Expert Advice When Using K9 Advantix

K9 Advantix is one of the best topical products on the market for killing and repelling fleas and ticks. The following are a few things to consider when using K9 Advantix on your dog.

Dog Size: When using K9 Advantix, you need to consider the size of your dog. Using a stronger dose that is meant for treating bigger canines may trigger unfavorable side effects. Conversely, using a mild treatment for younger dogs will lower its efficiency. K9 Advantix comes in suitable dosing packages for dogs less than 10 pounds, 11 to 20 pounds, 21 to 55 pounds, and canines over 55 pounds.

Age: It might not be appropriate to use K9 Avantix on puppies under a specified age. Your veterinarian will give you the best advice on the best age and time to apply K9 Advantix on your pet.

Separate your Pets: If you have more than one dog, you should separate them for a few hours after treatment. This will give the drug time to dry completely, especially if your dogs are licking each other or actively playful.

Components: you should check the product label before applying K9 Avantix or other topical flea solutions. Your dog may be allergic to ingredients in the topical treatments. An easy allergy test will help you know the products to buy and those to avoid.

Price: Purchase a topical treatment that is within your financial reach. Whatever product you purchase ensure it is effective and offers value for money. With K9 Advantix, you can expect excellent results at a competitive price.

Durability: Every pet owner desires a topical anti-fleas product that will repel fleas for a long time. Be sure to check how long the product you are buying will be effective on your pet. With K9 Advantix, you can expect it to last on your pet for 30 days offering the desired protection.

Eliminate Fleas From Your Home

Treating your dog against flea is one thing, however, you must ensure that you eliminate them from your home too. Fleas can lay eggs and live in your carpet and upholstery all-year-round. If you miss a dose of K9 Advantix, your dog will become infested again. The best way to eliminate fleas in all stages of their lifecycle is by thoroughly vacuuming your home.

This does not mean vacuuming the carpets only. You should vacuum your tile or hardwood floors and upholstery. All your rugs should be cleaned and including all items that your pet lays on, like beddings. Ensure that you use the hottest washer and dryer cycles.

Ensure that your yard is also sprayed and your home fumigated to eliminate any traces of these nuisance pests. Combining a scheduled application of K9 Advantix and a thorough cleaning of your home is all you need to eliminate ticks and fleas.


When ticks infest your dog, they can cause Lyme disease, anemia, and also poor health of the fur and skin. If they are not eliminated, they can make your dog extremely ill. Additionally, fleas are also dangerous as they trigger allergic reactions, works, and even anemia. The best thing as a pet owner is to protect your dog from these pests.

K9 Advantix is one of the highly recommended products for eliminating ticks and fleas from dogs. This topical solution provides 30 days of protection for your canine. This ensures they remain comfortable and healthy at all times.

Related: How Long After Applying Frontline, Can I Pet My Dog

The post How Long After Applying K9 Advantix Can I Touch My Dog? appeared first on Pets Tutorial.

by Jane Brody via Pets Tutorial

How Long After Applying Frontline, Can I Pet My Dog?

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Treating your dog regularly against flea is crucial if you need to keep the pet healthy and free from anything that could cause diseases. Some pet owners use spot-on chemical treatments to treat flea and other bugs in their dogs. Some of the chemical products are harmful to both the canines and the people in the home.

While choosing the best treatment to use, you should also consider your pet’s safety and the people around it. One of the best flea medications to use on your pet dog is Frontline Plus, a topical pharmaceutical.

One of the worries pet owners go through after applying Frontline is how long it would take before they pet their dog. Before answering that question, how about, we learn a few things about the flea medication.

Frontline Background


Rhone Poulenc AG developed Frontline between 1984 and 1987, but it was not until 1993 that the medication found its way into the market. The main ingredient in Frontline is fipronil, and it is a broad-use insecticide for both dogs and cats.

Frontline has since integrated into various other products that include pesticides, spot-on pet care products, granular grass products, agriculture products, and termite control liquid products. Merial produces and owns Frontline Plus, which is a subsidiary of the multinational pharmaceutical company-Sanofi.

Besides fipronil, the other ingredient in the Frontline Plus, which has been in circulation since 1977, is S-Methoprene, which helps stop young bugs from growing to adult bugs and fleas. Besides Frontline Plus, Merial also produces other products that include a chewable tick and flea poison, NexGard, and Heartgard that prevents heartworm, both released in 2013.

The company also released several cat vaccines. Frontline is only ideal for cats and dogs. If you rear other animals such as rabbits, you should not use the medication at all. It comes with a warning on the label that asks you not to use it on rabbits and other animals.

Frontline Application

Frontline Plus is an oily liquid that comes in a breakable vial. When you need to apply the medicated oil, you break the vial and apply it to places of the pet’s body that it cannot reach. The best place for application is between the shoulder blades.

The liquid oil is not fit for ingestion, which is why you should apply it in an area the dog cannot reach. Even if you apply on the shoulder blades, the liquid spreads and absorbs into the skin oil glands, slowly killing the fleas and insects.

Side Effects of Frontline

Just as much as Frontline comes with many benefits, it also has possible side effects. Some of the most common are-

  • Uncoordinated movement
  • Lethargy
  • Neurological issues
  • Hair loss
  • Skin redness
  • Itching

However, the Frontline website does not address the side effects.

Controversy Surrounding Frontline

Conventional vets disagree with the reputed side effects of Frontline and its safety. According to a vet from Massachusetts, Dr. Deborah Lichtenberg, some claims that Frontline causes cancer is not valid. She, however, added that allergic reactions the medication causes are mild with no treatment requirement.

The same doctor further warns that choosing natural protection over Frontline to get rid of fleas and ticks could lead to a greater risk of the pets getting tick-borne diseases such as Anaplasmosis, Babesiosis, Rocky Mountain Fever, Lyme Disease, and Ehrlichia. Now to answer the question!

How Long After Applying Frontline, Can I Pet My Dog?

How Long After Applying Frontline Can I Pet My Dog

As we have mentioned above, Frontline contains potentially toxic ingredients that are not fit for humans. Exposure to some of the ingredients could cause surmountable health issues, and depending on the exposure intensity, the side effects could be fatal. Therefore, humans should, be conscientious when interacting with their dogs after Frontline applications.

Even though applying Frontline or any other medication is a normal thing to do, it becomes very frustrating when you cannot stroke or pet your dog. Many owners also want to bathe their dogs or make them feel loved after application, but ideally, before applying Frontline, you should run the dog through a bath.

After the coat dries, you can then apply the liquid oil, which will give you and the dog some more time before the next bath. Frontline impact stays on for around 48 hours. Therefore, to answer the question, the earliest you can pet your dog after applying Frontline is 48 hours or two days.

Precautions to Take

Instead of thinking about when to pet, touch, or kiss your dog, you should focus more on taking precautions. For your sake, the people around the home, and for your dog’s sake, take precautions. If you concentrate and honor the protection, you will have no issues coming close to the dog after Frontline application. If you want to pet the dog, you can do so but put on a pair of gloves avoid exposure to the oil liquid applied on the dog’s skin.

Under no circumstances should you let the medication touch your skin. Keep the dog in a den during the 48 hours, but if you cannot, do not allow it to come into close contact with anything in the house you interact with and use. Some of the things you should keep the dog away from including the sofas, beds, and carpets, among others.

If by any chance, you touch the dog’s skin or come into Frontline accidentally, there is no need to panic. Please wash your hands right away, and do it thoroughly and you are good to go. Kids will be the hardest to train to stay away from the dog after applying the medication, but you should explain to them the importance of keeping off the dog.

If they are too young to understand, you will have no choice but to keep the dog away from them for two days. Do not forget to feed the dog even if you cannot have any close contact with it.

Wrapping It Up

Dogs are a man’s best friend, and the relationship between the pet and the owner grows by the day. It hurts both the owner and the dog to have contact restrictions but staying off your favorite canine friend after application of Frontline is not a sign of not caring.

Taking the necessary precautions is for your own good, that of the dog, or anyone else living in the house. You cannot forego the application, too, because you need the dog to stay healthy and free from fleas and other pests. It would help if you were careful about how you go about it.

The post How Long After Applying Frontline, Can I Pet My Dog? appeared first on Pets Tutorial.

by Jane Brody via Pets Tutorial

Thứ Bảy, 24 tháng 10, 2020

How Much Does It Cost To Sedate A Dog For Nail Trimming

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Dog grooming is one of the top priorities for people that love their pets looking healthy and neat. One of the places that dogs require constant grooming is their nails that tend to grow long if left unattended. Nail trimming is not an easy exercise, considering some dogs do not fancy the exercise.

Again, it also depends on how well you train your dog. Pet owners choose different ways to trim their dog’s nails, some of which are costly, which begs the question, how much does it cost to sedate a dog for nail trimming?

How Much Does It Cost To Sedate A Dog For Nail Trimming

The Average Cost of Dog Nail Clipping 

Dog nails, just like human nails, grow continuously, and if not trimmed, they can get out of control. It is crucial to keep the nails trimmed to avoid possible health issues and for safety. You can choose from several alternatives to clip the nails of your dog.

You can take the dog to a dog groomer, use the services of a vet, or do it yourself. Your choice will depend on your comfort with grooming the dog by yourself, your budget, and time.

Dogs nail trimming at home.

Dogs nail trimming at home

If you decide to do the trimming at home, it will not cost you much. All you need is a trimmer or nail cutter and a patient dog. As we know, dogs, just like children, have the patience to wait for some grooming exercises.

They get anxious and sometimes even aggressive, making it extremely difficult to do it under normal conditions. The best option is to use professionals for the clipping exercise.

Dangers of trimming the dog nails at home:

Clipping the dog’s nails at home is not a safe thing to do, which is why it is advisable to seek the services of a professional. Dog nails have blood vessels known as “quicks.” If you accidentally cut the vessels, it will be traumatic and painful for your dog.

To avoid any possible accidents, you should leave nail clipping and hair trimming to the professional vets or expert groomers. Remember that nail clipping should be a routine if you want to maintain high hygiene standards for the dog.

Clipping at the vet’s

Clipping at the vet's

Taking your dog to the vet is a regular thing you do obviously for necessary procedures, comprehensive examinations, and immunizations. You can choose to have the vet clip the nails during any of the frequent visits. The cost of the trimming exercise will depend on the personality and breed of the dog.

Other factors that determine the cost include health insurance and the presence or absence of any underlying health complications. The majority of the vets charge anything between 7 and 20 dollars. If the nails need grounding down instead of trimming, you may need to pay more.

Breed and personality of the dog help the vet to know the right medication to use on the dog in case they need sedation. Some vets recommend the use of Melatonin or Benadryl. The two are over the counter drugs that you can also buy using a prescription. They come in 25 mg tablet form.

Though both tablets are mainly for treating allergic reactions in dogs, they are also great for sedating purposes. They do not come with FDA approval, but they are safe enough to buy over the counter. Before you decide to purchase the tablets by yourself to sedate the dog, think again because only your vet can determine the correct dosage. If you give a high dosage, you will have to deal with side effects that may not go too well.

Nail trimming by a groomer

If you regularly take your dog to a professional groomer, you are lucky because nail trimming is part of the package. Of course, the costs vary from one groomer to the next, but the average complete package ranges between $90 and $100 for different breeds and dog sizes.

Bathing dog averages from 20 to 40 dollars. If you want only the nails trimming service for your dog, you will pay anything between $7 and $20. Again, this depends on the groomer and grooming methods used.

What Are The Benefits Of Nail Trimming For Dogs?

What Are The Benefits Of Nail Trimming For Dogs

Some dog owners may not keep up with trimming their pet’s nails simply because the dogs hate the exercise. Do not assume that because your dog does not want to cooperate, trimming the nails is not a necessary thing to do. Keeping well-trimmed nails is one of ensuring a healthy habit for your pet. The following are the benefits of clipping the nails of your dog.


When the nails grow too long, they curl into the paw pads leading to pain and discomfort. Curled up nails can also stress the leg muscle because the dog has to walk in a particular way to avoid the pain and discomfort. Trimming the nails regularly prevents discomfort, pain, and stress on the muscles.

Reduces injuries

If you allow your dog’s nails to overgrow, it could lead to the dog injuring itself. Long nails do not allow the dog’s feet to grip the ground properly, which leads to regular sliding and slipping. The dogs constantly fight to gain control over their grips, and slipping can cause extensive damage to their bodies. Trimming the nails helps to prevent injuries.

Reduces scratching

Dogs are playful and active by nature. They will play with you, the children, other dogs, and even cats. If you do not trim the nails, chances are the dog will scratch whomever it is playing with.

Remember, the dog’s nail is very tough and sharp, leading to tearing up of the skin in case of a scratch. Trimming the dog nails at least once a week will prevent any scratch-related problems.

Prevents damages to carpets, sofas, and beddings

Long nails on your dog will also lead to damage on your carpet, sofas, and bedding. Dogs dig their claws into the ground as they walk to get traction. Digging into the ground with long nails will damage the carpet, and if the dog chooses to climb on the sofa or bed, the nails will damage the fabric. Repairing the damage will cost you money, so to avoid this, keep the nails trimmed.

Wrapping It Up

Trimming the dog’s nails is not a fun thing to do, but when you consider the benefits of doing so, you have no choice but to do it. If you think you cannot do it, you have the professionals to help you out. The cost of trimming the nails compared to the benefits of doing so are worth the trouble and the amount spent.

The post How Much Does It Cost To Sedate A Dog For Nail Trimming appeared first on Pets Tutorial.

by Jane Brody via Pets Tutorial

How Tight Should A Dog Collar Be?

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A dog collar is an important and basic accessory. However, regardless of the type of dog collar that you prefer to use with your canine, you must ensure that is both effective and safe. Dog collars are available in a range of sizes, designs, and materials and you can always find what suits your canine. You need to be cautious about the dog collar that you choose because it will be placed around the pet’s neck.

You must be confident that the collar sits comfortably on the neck and does not hurt your canine in any way. The best dog collar should do its intended job while keeping the pet comfortable and allowing it to freely handle its everyday activities without any restrictions.

If your canine looks like it is in pain, then you should fix this issue by loosening the collar. If the collar does not stay on the neck, then you can slightly tighten it or use a harness. Nobody understands your dog better than you do, so you must ensure that you what you think is best for your pet.

What is a Dog Collar?

What is a Dog Collar

A dog collar is simply a basic accessory for canines that is put around the neck and is meant to manage and control the dog. Additionally, dog collars are used for identification, protection, and even decoration.  Collars for dogs are usually made using any sold material like leather, metal, or textile and are designed in the form of a strap.

Dog collars play a crucial role in keeping your pet safe. Chokers should be worn whenever your canine leaves the home. However, for added security, some pet owners leave these collars all day long. It is important for dog owners to invest in a properly fitting collar to keep their pets contained because even the well-trained canines can still have their rebellious streak once in a while.

However, you must ensure that the collar suits the needs and personality of your dog and it fits properly. This is because collars will only be effective if they fit perfectly around the dog’s neck. The collar should be tight enough to prevent dogs from wriggling their way out and loose enough to prevent injuries.

Even though many people do not give a second thought when it comes to dog collars, these accessories can be very dangerous. Injuries caused by improperly fitted collars are more common than people think. This is why it is important to ensure that the dog collar fits just right.

How Should a Dog Collar Fit Properly?

The dog collar must be long enough to guarantee a perfect fit on the neck. Keep in mind that canines tend to grow a little bit each day, this is true, especially for puppies. Therefore, when fitting a choker on your pet, you must check whether it fits properly as often as possible. Full-grown dogs may not grow much every day, but you should still check their collars once in a while.

To confirm whether it fits perfectly, you can put two fingers inside the collar to determine whether there is adequate space to wiggle them. If you feel that the space is too tight for the two fingers, then it is definitely too tight for your pet. It is always best to have an adjustable dog collar irrespective of the type of breed you have. This way, you can easily change the size within a few seconds.

When is a Dog Collar Too Tight?

When is a Dog Collar Too Tight

Dog collars can either be too loose or too tight causing your furred pet to feel uncomfortable most of the time. Having a collar that is too tight can be more dangerous than one that is extremely loose. This is why pet owners need to pay close attention to their pets, especially those that are still growing. In most cases, when puppies have an extremely tight collar, they will try to take it off and this is a sign that they are choking or uncomfortable.

Conversely, some pups will just lay aside and not move an inch even when they are uncomfortable, while others will vomit and cough frequently. All these strange behaviors are an indication that the dog collar is too tight and you should utilize the two-finger rules to confirm and make the necessary adjustments.

When Is A Dog Collar Too Loose?

When Is A Dog Collar Too Loose

Most pet owners believe that loose collars may not harm and hurt their pets, however, this is not true. Although loose collars may not choke your pet, they may cause other things that can affect your pet. When a dog collar does not properly fit, it tends to move around the neck more often than it should. As a result, your dog will start losing fur around the neck and eventually, the skin will become red, itch, and irritated. If the dog collar has room that can comfortably accommodate more than two fingers then it is too loose.

The Importance of Having a Properly Fitting Dog Collar

It is important for every pet owner to secure his/her dog’s collar to ensure that it is safe and comfortable. Collars can offer lots of benefits to your dog, however, they can also damage the dog’s well-being and body if they are not properly fitted. Here are problems that may happen if you have inappropriately fitting dog collars.

Fitting Dog Collar

Neck Injuries

Neck injuries are a big risk when using dog collars. Neck injuries mainly occur when the collar is extremely tight and your furred pet suddenly jerks in a particular direction. In most cases, the injuries that occur are always minor and the dog may suddenly cough because of breathing challenges or they may injure their neck muscles.

However, when the collar is not immediately loosened, dogs may experience lifelong complications. For example, the tissues around the neck may be damaged or they may hurt different glands. In extreme situations, your dog may even experience fractured bones.


Have your dog’s identification tags or collar ever been caught on something? This problem is more than just a minor nuisance for your dog. This is because your furred animals can easily get their collar caught by something as they jump or run.

If the collar is too loose, the object may get entangled underneath the collar and your pet may strangle themselves as they attempt to get free. The risk of strangulation is higher when the pet is tied outside on a leash. Tree branches, fences, and even pots can get caught on the dog’s collar as they jump or move around essentially hanging the dog.

Accidental Leg and Mouth Injuries

The best dog’s collar is one that can easily accommodate their everyday activities like scratching and grooming. Most common injuries are usually caused by dog collars that are extremely loose. As the dog tries to lick themselves, their mouths may get stuck on their collar and this may result in cuts in the mouth or even breaking of teeth. Their feet may also get caught in the collar as they try to scratch themselves resulting in the dog breaking its limb as it struggles so hard to get free.

Skin Irritation

When collars are too wide, too loose, or too tight, they can cause skin irritation. Most do owners may assume that the edges of the dog collar cannot do much damage to their pets. However, constant friction between the collar and the skin may cause hair loss, rashes, and even cuts. Therefore, if you notice any type of irritation on your dog’s skin, you should ensure the collar properly fits your pet. You can even purchase collars that have padded interiors to enhance the comfort of your pet.

How to Find Dog Collars that Fit Perfectly

How to Find Dog Collars that Fit Perfectly

To suit all breeds of dogs, collars come in a variety of  sizes. Most manufacturers will utilize sizing labels like Large, Medium, or small. However, you should never take these collar sizes at face value. This is because dog collars are just like human clothing and the sizes will vary from one brand to another. Keep in mind that you can easily adjust the collar to ensure it is tighter, however, you cannot add more material to make the collar looser. When buying collars for your dog, you should always check the following:

Neck Measurements

Before buying a dog collar, you should take accurate neck measurements to ensure that it is perfect for your canine. This is important because all dogs are different and even the same breed of dogs will have varying neck measurements because of weight and lifestyle. Instead of just guessing, it is best that you take a tape measure and determine the size of your dog’s neck. Ensure that you take several measurements at different points of the neck. Usually, the lower part of the neck is always the most accurate.

If you do not have a tape measure, you can use a piece of fabric or sting and then use a ruler to get the actual measurements. Keep in mind that with continued use, the forces of gravity will cause the dog collar to slide down till it gets to the shoulders.

Collar Width

Apart from the circumference of the dog’s neck, you should also consider the thickness. When looking for dog collars, you will notice that they come in different lengths and widths too. Some dog breeds tend to have relatively short necks that need thinner collars, for example, bulldogs and pugs. If you buy a collar that is extremely thick, then it will cause uncomfortable chaffing when the canine is walking.

Measuring the width of the neck may be a challenge, all you need to do is just examine your canine to determine whether they would feel better with a thicker or shorter collar. In general, thicker dog collars offer more support and this makes them perfect for stronger dogs. Wider collars tend to be more comfortable because they exert reduced pressure on the pup’s neck.

Generally, thinner dog collars are ideal and more comfortable for smaller or overweight pets. However, you should remember that wide collars tend to weigh more and this makes them a bad choice for smaller dog breeds. If you are not sure about the strength of your dog, it is best that you stick to the standard 1 ½ inch width.

Collar Length

When looking at the right collar length, you need to put into account the type of hair your dog has. Some dogs tend to maintain almost the same length and amount of hair all-year-round. However, some canines tend to shed some fur during summer and become fluffy during the winter months. For such canines, you need to consider the shrinking and enlarging of their neck circumference as it will determine the length of the collar to purchase. Keep in mind that short collars may choke your pet, while those that are too narrow may cut them or even damage their larynx. Dogs may also become stressed if the collar is too narrow or too short.

The Two-Finger strategy for a Perfect Fit

Once you buy a dog collar and you put it on your pet, you should carry out the ‘’two-finger test’’. Make sure that you secure the collar around the neck of the dog and ensure that it has adequate space to move around. However, the collar should not press into the skin of your pet as it can cause irritation. You should then slide two fingers behind the dog’s collar and against the neck. If the choker feels snug then it is a perfect fit, however, if you have a challenge forcing your fingers through the collar then it is too tight.

It is important that you also slide the collar up to determine whether it can easily slip over the dog’s head. Furred pets that have triangular heads like greyhounds and Siberian Husky are normally notorious for slipping their heads out of their collars.  If the dog collar can move past the ears, then it should be tightened a bit.

Importance of Checking a Dog Collar Regularly

Just like people outgrow their clothes, canines do not wear their original collars for a lifetime. Their collars may become ill-fitting over time, for instance when a puppy grows or when adult dogs become stronger or add weight. As a result, their current collar may become too narrow or too tight. In such scenarios, the dog may become restricted and can cut into or even be strangled by their collar and this is when you need to get a new collar.

Pert owners should always conduct random visual checks of their dogs to determine whether the collar still serves its purpose and it is a perfect fit. The collar should not irritate the fur or hair in any way causing them to fall or over harden. Frequent checking of the collar can also help you to know whether any fastenings or joints are loose.

For GPS or electronic collars, you need to check the construction and battery status regularly to ensure that it is in perfect working condition. For the anti-parasitic collars, you need to carefully monitor the replacement intervals.

Final Thoughts

Every dog breed looks great wearing a beautiful collar with its name inscribed on a small tag. Not only are dog collars adorable, but they can also be useful when your pup gets lost. However, most pet owners do not know how tight their dog collars should be. This is why pet owners should pay close attention to how their canines behave when they are wearing a new collar. Dogs always show how they feel when a collar is around their neck and this can help you pick the right collar that will not only be beautiful but also functional. A properly fitting collar is essential for the safety, comfort, and overall health of your dog.

The post How Tight Should A Dog Collar Be? appeared first on Pets Tutorial.

by Jane Brody via Pets Tutorial